
I think it's because they were trying to make it look like it was DC in the background - you could see the Old Post Office Building tower and, way off in the distance, the Capitol. Most (if not all) of the scenes with DC landmarks in them are faked on this show, but that one was less effective than most.

I just saw a screening of this last night that was followed by a Q&A with Saulnier — interestingly enough, he name-checked the original Straw Dogs as a big influence.

Though I did have a brief moment of confusion that Kelly Bishop was playing the love interest to a 20-something party dude. It sounds like the guy could benefit from a few withering Emily Gilmore put-downs.

I legit gasped out loud at that brief glimpse of her abs.

I associate it with George Costanza secretly taping the Susan Ross Foundation meetings.

Best play ever, man.


@TaumpyTearrs:disqus, you can add The Office and Parks & Rec to the list of successful shows by Simpsons writers.

He also lost Best Director to himself. Soderbergh just can't measure up to Soderbergh.

There there, Stinkers.  There there.

There there, Stinkers.  There there.

They also make a noise like an organ when something surprising happens.

Check your shoes!

Good luck with that!  He'd probably have to poison him, shoot him, beat him and then drown him before he finally died.


Thanks to that song, I have given several impromptu lectures on the accomplishments of James K. Polk.  No one has ever thought it odd that they rhymed.

1) It should be noted that a commenter on this very website came to the same conclusion way back in October.  The Real Fake Jake, please step forward to collect your prize:…

I hate to add an unexpected decade to your life, but it was the 20-year anniversary.

I'm always amazed that Post had the guts to re-launch Crispy Critters.