I was there and so shocked. You made me drop my monogrammed thermos. (Stomps off in a huff)
I was there and so shocked. You made me drop my monogrammed thermos. (Stomps off in a huff)
It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.
Also, does he not have any aides that are women? (Probably not) How on earth would they be able to do their job if they could never grab lunch with him in the cafeteria and talk over things?
My hatred of Matt Walsh knows no bounds. I grew up in a religiously conservative community and people like him piss me off. Fuck the patriarchal evangelical conservatism that passes for his brand of Christianity.
Aha! Too sleepy to get it! Got it now, though!
It would withstand legal challenges in an America with Merrick Fucking Garland on the SCOTUS. But, you know, Repukes. They hate women. Except Stepford Wives.
Everyone involved knows but just can’t outright say the deal was she gets to have as much power and stick her thumb in as many pies as she likes because she’s the only one who can handle her dad when he’s sundowning, right?
Negotiations between the House and Senate often take longer and are more complicated than anything that happens within either chamber. Saying “this is it” at such an early stage just shows how little he knows about how government functions.
It’s not going to take long for people to realize this simple fact. Republicans suck at governing. They’re excellent at throwing tantrums though.
It was such an elegant trick. Pass a republican health care plan, and then watch them flail trying to oppose it. I wanted single payer, but gotta admit it’s not half bad watching them pretend this wasn’t their best idea in the first place.
“Repealing Obamacare” will be the new “overturning Roe v. Wade” now that Roe v. Wade will be overturned—i.e., something that stupid people say.
I was just being sarcastic and completely agree it makes no sense to have a “girls getaway” in Dubrovnik
I suspect it’s more to do with needing her on immediate call, because of her father’s fading mental health and increasing sundowning.
Wendi Deng might be an actual super-villain.
Never forget: Ivanka is the bag man for the Trump crime family.
I also love that after considering the Kellyanne-Elle hybrid for the Supreme Court or as president, she suggested that she could be in prison.
Southern women know shade, Well done Reese.
Diplomatic events in Japan traditionally exhaust Republicans. Sometimes they drop right into their soup.
So what’s a “stud-loan”? Does this mean I can borrow Alexander Skarsgård for a few hours if I give him back?
“Before being elected President, Mr. Trump was one of the most successful businessmen in the world with a responsibility to his company, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required.”