
It’s the Sally Yates effect.

If it’s Petreaus, he’ll have to notify his probation officer because he’s still on probation.

Here in Michigan, they’re talking about Kid Rock running for senate. There’s your cup of poop soup to go with your shit sandwich.

It’s clear he hates the job, and only loves being adored. Unfortunately for him, the presidency is a thankless job where he will be subject to endless criticism.

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

The scandal is truly that the American people found out about it.

Jesus fucking christ. How much more has to happen before you guys can get rid of this slimy, stale, orange piece of reeking garbage?????

thank you

Palin’s “I can see Russia from my house” seems so quaint now that the Russia is coming from inside the house.

I totally understand. It is scary and I feel like our government is incredibly unstable right now, like no one is in charge (probably true). I can see him refusing to leave but we have so many arms of law enforcement that can remove him (like when the cops show up to evict someone). Besides, he may be removed by law

I think what tells us better than anything that Republicans care more about their power and stature than they do America is the absolutely astounding numbers of them who hated Soviets / commies with a deep-seated fear and distrust who are now worse than silent about this whole mess.

I’m actually less scared now. I think there may be an epic collapse of this administration and that will save us from the nuclear holocaust.

I just don’t think it’s sex. I doubt he does that, for some reason.

The GOP runs a pedophilia ring that is actually a cover for a pizza place.

Unless he just wanted the sanctions lifted and America to devolve into chaos, thus weaking our global standing.

This is Donald Trump we’re talking about. The end purpose is money. The Russians promised him a 19% stake in Rosneft (~$20 billion) in exchange for lifting the sanctions.

Pence knows all of it, imo. I don’t think he found out anything from a newspaper. He’s Putin’s second line of defense, in case Donald can’t carry it all out. And so does Spicey. And Conway knows most of it. You don’t think Donald can actually keep his mouth shut, do you? The man practically tells on himself regularly.

Mattis isn’t against NATO, though, and it would be unwise to cross him after they already pissed him off with the travel ban. That dude’s oath is to the constitution, not whoever is in the Oval Office, and I think he takes that seriously.