
What in God’s name is happening with Anna Kendrick’s bosom there?

People like him, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Willem Dafoe, are perfect examples of Jolie laide.

A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.

I think he’s surrounding himself with family members like any paranoid mobster would.

I don’t think he buys what he’s selling. “They’re running out of dresses” is such a simple-minded, naive fabrication that it’s almost charming, but no I honestly believe this is KILLING Donald. He pulled the mother of all cons to win King Of The World, and no one will come to his party, because no one loves him. This

i wish when i lied that i was able to believe myself as well as drumpf does when he lies.

Hey, hey...check this out...

Look, if you were ever made to feel remotely uncomfortable at any point in your life, it’s exactly the same as slavery, misogyny, internment camps, segregation and being murdered by cops on camera in the street. See? Easy!

What does it honestly say about those Americans who would feel so wounded by the perceived condescension of Hollywood liberal elites that they would purposefully vote against their self-interest to spite the rest of us?

FDR didn’t promise to do those things *before* he was elected. Trump did. He literally said he would put muslims into interment camps. People asked him how that was different than japanese americans in WWII and his answer was “You tell me!”....

You know, it’d all have gone away when Trump denied that he was imitating Serge but for Ann Coulter giving the game away when she said that Trump was just imitating a “...standard retard...” [her words].

The Republicans have spent years trying to glue their own flaws to whoever they deem the enemy is.

To be fair football is a synonym for politics in their warped headspace.

It’s officially no longer a political faction. It’s a cult.

wait i’m sorry i for real have no idea what she is trying to say right here.

There are many reasons to not present much of the evidence. Much of it can be surmised by what level of confidence each agency gave it. NSA can only give moderate confidence because of the way NSA gathers its evidence. The FBI and CIA almost certainly have human assets at high reaches of the government and their lives

I’m fairly convinced that 2016 was the rapture, and all the good ones were taken away before the shit-show that is about to come.

Yeah, hate and fear seem much easier to communicate than empathy and responsibility.

I totally agree, although I’m somewhat hopeful that this absurd Republican overreach, combined with the idiotic antics of Donald, will lead to a Democratic wave in 2018. On the other hand, they can do a lot of damage before 2018, and even then there’s no guarantee that people will vote Democrat.

I’m pretty sure State’s rights only need to be respected when they apply to the ownership of black people.