It’s crazy because without the job he’d NEVER recieve even the basic of security clearances. He has all the red flags of someone who would be easily bribed or blackmailed into giving away classified information.
It’s crazy because without the job he’d NEVER recieve even the basic of security clearances. He has all the red flags of someone who would be easily bribed or blackmailed into giving away classified information.
I hope his phone calls and emails are monitored. You know he would give Putin’s government and anyone else who flattered him and promised profits anything, including important secret information entrusted to him. He would then deny it. For national security, I hope someone is watching him.
I am so, so glad that I was too young to be aware of anything going on during the Bush years. I think I would have rage stroked. And I’m sure what’s coming will be even worse.
That’s the part I found most fascinating? Did he find some old aol disk behind a couch or something? Has he been in a cave for the last 25 years?
They cling to their guns and religion and we end up with a circus peanut for President.
I’ve known about Alex Jones for awhile because I find conspiracy theories interesting as a phenomenon. But I hate that in just a couple of years he’s gone from being way on the fringe to being semi-legitimized by the far right.
can you imagine what that’s like? Going online, making friends with all the other conspiracy nuts? Now all of his friends think he’s part of a false flag operation? That’s gotta hurt.
Apparently Alex Jones is now saying that this was some sort of fake event staged by Hillary’s people.
Of the things in the aftermath of this election for which I’m hoping tis can we please put to rest the fallacy that the two parties are essentially the same? Can people who thought” well they’re both bad” realize that they were very wrong?
Let me make sure I got it: The thrice wedded, silver spoon sucking, megalomanic, Xenophobe is rewardimg his cult with monster truck rally inauguration as produced by the guy who brought us the 10- hour tv series on The Bible? Seems legit.
Holy shit - my nightmare is coming true.
I get you. The way so many people are falling in line, combined with the folks who are now emboldened enough to just come out in public with their racist shit is pretty gut churning.
*Holy Jesus Fuck We Are All Fucking Doomed*
Leave Britney alone!
C’mon, how is that any different than that self-involved has-been Jimmy Carter negotiating hostage releases and building homes for the poor?
At that age, a morphine drip and a “Designing Women” marathon would be my choice.
With the frosted tips, right?! I vaugely remember his show on MTV. I miss the new millenum so much.
I LOVED that commercial when it came out and just thought Britney was so cool. When I listen to it now, I’m so horrified by the way she was both sexualized and infantalized a teenager.
Right? Like what, does he need a bigger headstone or something?