
The biggest bullies towards my sister and me in school were the Jesus-iest girls ever. They attended all church services, youth activities, retreats, etc. And these girls made damn sure to let us know, especially when adults weren’t around, that our entire family would rot in hell for all eternity. Another girl told

We aren’t a democracy. We are a republic. The electoral college exists exactly for situations like this, so that a horrible person with a popular rising cannot destroy the country. I think it is a great thing.

But, why does the Electoral College exist if it absolutely must vote as expected?

Arguably checking the “will of the people” is what the EC is for. Not that they’ve ever actually all met up together to talk through the issues.

Primaries are a pretty new thing.

This is literally why we have the stupid Electoral College. To prevent a direct democracy from electing an unfit president.

This was my first reaction, too. I think it does establish a terrible precedent— one that could call into question the validity of future elections and have very serious consequences for the stability of our constitution. But, a Trump presidency likewise will have very serious consequences for the stability of the

I am dying and then being brought back to life by this comment every time I read it. This is Comment of the Year material. Jez, GET ON IT.

I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea when I say that Carey’s life reminds me of what I imagine would happen if a magical fairy suddenly gave Miss Piggy sentience, and a woman’s body.

The problem is, if Trump keeps insulting them (as it seems he plans to do), they will basically have no choice but to respond in some manner. Otherwise they’ll looks weak and will lose a lot of their diplomatic power.

Trump’s tweets make me feel so much better about his ability to have good relations with China. /s

I’m so freaked out that people are just going along as if everything is normal. If you read any articles from when he first announced his presidency, across the board commentators said the result of his winning would be the death of America.

The time for that is over. Let us not give in to delusions, no matter how warm and satisfying they appear. Let us embrace the death riddled radioactive hellscape that clearly awaits us. The Trumpocalypse is nigh, and it is a lovely, lovely day! WITNESS MEEEEEEEEE

I think this version of Conway was born back when it looked like she had completely given up on Drumpf (yes there was a point in September/ October where she seemed over it). But it doesn’t work anymore. Kellyanne is pure evil.

I now have a theory that Drumpf sees no difference between fictional/comedy entertainment in contrast with news or, you know, facts.

I wrote a comment on her before that it’s a form of soft sexism that ivanka, kellyanne and even melania get a pass. Why not Eric, Donald jr and bannon? Anyone that’s part of this shitshow is soulless.

Truth be told, I’m sure he’s very well aware of the mockery he receives online. But, he chooses to surround himself with sycophants and only listens to the encouragement he receives from the rubes at his rallies. He is such a goddamn insecure narcissist. Seriously, who the fuck holds a “victory tour” after they won

She always looks rough. Like she should lay off the bleach, stay out of dive bars, avoid the tanning bed, get some good sleep, rough.

Brilliant! My only response to Trump’s tweets is this.

I’ve wondered this for a while now and have become convinced that they are scared for their safety.