
Positive reinforcement is v. important in these times that try the soul.

There are a lot of things that we’ll lie to our kids about as they grow up. Lying about a jolly, benevolent type whose mission revolves around giving gifts to people isn’t the worst thing. And learning that Santa isn’t “real” isn’t as painful as you might think. The key is to not overpromise or use him as a threat.

Both good choices, along with books

sweetheart, it’s not millennial’s who need a ‘safe space’ when dealing with black people, its boomers. take your ridiculous millennial hate somewhere else.

At least there seems to be a club of us with shitty sisters.

For real. We’ve been to a number of weddings lately, where the sisters are each others best friends. If I ever get married, I don’t I will even invite my sister.

We’re in a world of hurt for 4 fuckng years. We can hope the Democrats grow a spine and fight him but I lack faith.

I also have a shitty sister. I feel cheated. Like other people have decent siblings, why can’t I?

The people I know who support him are all blue-collar white people who either 1) like to imagine they could be a small business owner, but, like, that would hard and stuff, or 2) are really bad at running their business and want to blame everyone else for their problems instead of taking responsibility to create

hahaha I’m so sorry, I laughed at his disdain of vegetarians.

Oh geez. We had friend-thanksgiving this year because we moved far from home. It was hosted by friends of ours who had other friends we didn’t know also in attendance. After dinner two of the people, whom I did not know, got into a fight— a PHYSICAL fight. They were yelling and shit talking and one threatened the

because some americans, and by which i mean the fucking delusional racist ones, wanted jobs to come back so we can defeat RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM because that bitch hillary was too corrupt and its time for white power to rise again and nobodys gonna take america away from them again lest god be damned.....think i

Constitutional Lawyers? You mean like that guy named Barack Hussein Obama? Wouldn’t that be some Karmic Justice? :P

Kleptocracy is right. This is some Third World level blatant corruption. It’s the kind of corruption we deal with here in Brazil.

Or actually run a kleptocracy. IMO, Pence is standard evil: evil as shit, but predictable and easier to figure out how to fight. Trump is erratic. And would have the nuclear codes.

No hope? It’s happening. Have hope. Put your fucking downer bullshit aside and let’s try to make something good happen.

Doesn’t care to what, grift? Not like Cheeto’s going to do any actual presidenting anyway, Cotton Hill’s gonna do all that for him.

One time I was at the mall and I heard a loud grinding sound and I came around the corner and Tom Hanks was standing there with a running wood chipper and a big sack labeled KITTENS and he was reaching into it and pulling kittens out and throwing the kittens into the woodchipper and all the blood and stuff was

Steve Brannon was quoted as saying that this administration/party will rule the country for 50 years, if I’m not mistaken.

Yes. Constant, constant projection with him. Another form of gaslighting.