
You can gaslight people you’re not close to. Donald Trump has without question used gaslighting in public discourse many times. When people are left looking up video of him to make sure he really said what they thought, wondering, “Is it possible he really didn’t say that? Am I the crazy one?”, they’ve been gaslit.

Because he won by LYING TO YOU. Cool that you think it’s funny tho.

He can’t, and never could, prosecute Hillary. We (anyone with half a brain) knew that when he was campaigning on it. We also knew that Trump knew he couldn’t actually do anything and was just lying to his moron supporters and allowing them to get worked up into a raging frenzy.

That what Trump does, says whatever he thinks people want to hear. One conversation with President Obama and “we’ll keep some of the Affordable Care Act.” Bottom line, he hasn’t been consistent on anything ever and easily swayed, and that’s not a good trait for POTUS.

Yeah, because I’d rather not have a gaslighter in chief, fuckyouverymuch.

‘Ha ha, my candidate is going to none of the things he said he would! Hooray!’

We have a psychopath for president-elect who is attempting (as a good psychologist friend of mine put it) to gaslight the whole country.

Words. Mean. Nothing. Anymore.

I keep hoping that the electors or somebody will pull the emergency brake. Hell, the fact that he “won” at all proves we’re in Bizarro World, so that could happen, right? Right?

It’s like the movie Groundhog Day for me every day.... Each morning I wake up and it dawns on me he is our president and I feel sick to my stomach all over again...

No. He is our President.

America has elected a walking talking gimmick for president.

Democrats play by the rules, it’s our biggest weakness.

It’s been two weeks and I still have a moment every morning where I wonder if I’m dreaming.

still counting on this being a fever dream also.

It’s Grace Jones working with Keith Haring. It’s art, is the answer.

I still literally cannot believe this man is our next president.

You know what people didn’t have in Germany circa 1934? THE INTERNET! And I’m pretty sure the smartphone your average millennial citizen has bouncing around in their bag is more sophisticated and hearty than any camera they had at that time.

a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.

Thank you for writing this. When I saw her name surface I was in disbelief. Had to google to make sure that this was the same woman that you had written about in your articles on Kevin Johnson. Stunned that she would be considered. Confused that the some larger media outlets that mention her don’t mention her scandals.