As soon as someone claims “states’ rights” or “parents’ rights”, beware of incoming bullshit.
As soon as someone claims “states’ rights” or “parents’ rights”, beware of incoming bullshit.
We really don’t. We’re a plague.
“I’m also taking this action for the benefit of all parents and families, who may be facing the same violation of their rights—”
Obligatory seconding
Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.
eh, she seems like the kind of woman where screwing her significant other would take you from step A to Hep C.
Don’t you dare make similar mean jokes about them tho. Cause then YOU’RE OPPRESSING THE WHITE MAN. HE IS SO PERSECUTED U GUIS.
Right? To whom do I submit my resume? I am GREAT at protesting. I can walk. I’m also good at chanting on beat. My poster skills are subpar but I can the hold the FUCK out of one. Like, my arms barely get tired.
There’s being in love with someone, and there’s making a life with them, and those are not the same thing. If your partner has no regard for factual reality and supports fascism and misogyny, and you don’t feel the same way, that’s not going to work out. Best case is that you’ll fight all the time and be miserable.
A millions gallons of THIS.
thats part of the reason i love coming here. i can hear about this shit without actually having to try to seek it out and watch it myself. it keeps me hip.
Aqua Teen had a good run, but they killed Metalocalypse for no good reason.
Really fucking tired of people pretending like the same racist, sexist, homophobic shit that’s gone on forever is somehow ‘anti-establishment’ or ‘edgy.’ That is just the status quo.
I mean, if this was a normal political argument, then fine. If someone wants argue, say, that abortion should be a state decision vs. a federal one...OK, that’s a political argument of large and small government. But these people, it’s not a matter of opinions. It’s literally right vs. wrong, fact vs. fiction.
But I’m esp’ly curious about pay+violence
“Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.”
The thing is, everything here is known, public knowledge, and has been for at least a year (they mentioned this dinner on the mainstream news - it wasn’t secret or peculiar or anything).
I’m frankly quite disappointed with the quality of the people Russia managed to turn.