You could replace Alec with me in that photo. I’ve not stopped drinking since the election, during all my off-work hours. It’s a good thing I have a full time job and Saturday volunteer gig or I would otherwise need dialysis.
You could replace Alec with me in that photo. I’ve not stopped drinking since the election, during all my off-work hours. It’s a good thing I have a full time job and Saturday volunteer gig or I would otherwise need dialysis.
Lindsey Graham just called for a Congressional investigation into Russia and our election today.
Marine Le Pen will be elected president of France next year and she’s also a Putin puppet. This is all beyond belief. A week after election day and none of it seems real.
Name checks out.
Could we maybe collaborate on an idea? I’m more than willing to give my email so we can talk about it!
I’m not sure. I think unambiguous ties to Russia (as in, you can literally see the check, and it says To Trump, and the memo field is like “undermine the US”). I think no matter what it would have to be very clear cut corruption, something that he would clearly end up in federal prison over.
Okay so I’m not sure this TOTALLY fits with the above, but it does in the way that we’re all screwed:
“This buffoon is going to be the puppet of Kusher, Pence, Bannon and Preibus.”
He is no one’s president. Title or not, he will at best be a cardboard cutout of a president that yells and tweets.
I watched the election night coverage on the CBC. Around 11 pm or so, when it had become clear Trump was going to win, one of the panelists sighed and said, “Well... you know, America did have a pretty good run.” The rest of the panelists sat quietly, and somberly nodded. Know the rest of the world take no joy in…
I love that Trump, of all people, is going to take care of corruption in government. As opposed to adding to it exponentially.
When I think back on all the people that I believe tried to poison me, I think, “oh, they’re not all that bad.”
Excerpt in the second half here:
I’ve seen several Facebook posts with some variation of: “Sure Trump said some terrible things, but you millennials are just crybabies and need to get over yourselves. Let’s give Trump a chance to get rid of corruption in government.”
My teen said she was going to a slumber party Saturday night and instead protested outside of Trump’s hotel in DC. #proudmom
Yeah, I can’t get on board any slut-shaming of Melania either. I like the “anchor baby” joke because it’s so obviously not mocking them but the people who actually refer to other human beings that way.
Hey, Melania was only taking the job no American would do.
Teens know. They can smell authoritarianism and they’re naturally averse to it.
I bet he has his chicken parm cut up for him before it gets to the table.