
Missing Cardi B. 

Right? Because using someone’s preferred pronoun is literally the smallest thing you can do to acknowledge their personhood.

My father, who is 78 and a Bill Buckley-style Republican, gets his coffee at a shop with a trans man working the register. My dad manages to call this man by his (masculine) name or “Sir” every morning. He has said he, “doesn’t really get it” but then he shrugs because why would he care? What’s it to him or Vlaming

It has come to my attention that Meghan McCain is married to some guy she just posted an Instagram of. I still think she should date Pete Davidson.

She doesn’t support Trump. She’s very vocal about him ruining the GOP, in her opinion. And she never shuts up about him insulting her father and the troops. But she’s horrible for other reasons. She’s married to the founder of The Federalist, she screams about socialism being bad because people can’t afford to pay the

Meghan McCain lacks the basic human skills to demonstrate empathy or compassion, The fact that she still Stan’s for Trump after him saying terrible things about her father* demonstrates what a terrible person she is.

I agree, why isn’t this being spun as bringing awareness to a color that is quickly disappearing?

Insulting remarks made on the basis of race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation are obviously wrong, and Hart’s attempts at jokes regarding orientation weren’t funny (and if you’re going to make potentially offensive jokes they BETTER be funny), but this trend where progressives on the internet immediately start

I don’t often like Television Chef shows, as there seems to be a lot of self-aggrandizing.

There are a couple of times where I’ve found their advice extremely useful.

The first is Gordon Ramsey’s scrambled eggs, the second is Samin’s suggestion about adding salt to anything overnight that you intend to serve the next

They really, really, really seem to be going off the rails.

Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!

Good god. What a clueless take! I can’t believe this was published! My deepest foray into Bollywood is the perfect Bride and Prejudice with the world’s other most beautiful woman Aishwarya Rai, and even I know Priyanka Chopra is the catch in that relationship, NOT Nick Jonas.

IKR? Something about Douthat has always aggravated me in particular. He is far too young to be such a pearl-clutching granny. I feel he should know better. In fact, I think he does. But his deep, deep fear of his own sexuality has hobbled him in his ability to confront and accept the modern world as it is, leading to

For real? I Douthat.

This dude is 39 years old.

Besides assholes, it’s classic bully behavior, and a form of trolling. And maybe gaslighting? (In the sense that they know they’re spouting off hot nonsense, but they play like it’s a legitimate good faith exchange, so YOU seem like the crazy/irrational one.)

Because The View is the board upon which the final game of humanity will be played.  

“I don’t know why she’s so upset,” McCain reportedly said

There is no more aggrieved or persecuted person in America than Meghan McCain. She speaks for the forgotten middle American, because as the daughter of US Senator and heir to one of the largest beer distribution companies in Arizona, the granddaughter of Navy Admiral, she knows what it is like to pull your self up by

So how does a TV show/producer handle this? Sit them both down to talk about how to best conduct their disagreements on the air and conduct an informative, entertaining show or just let them go at in because it’s “good ratings”?