
But it’s still a job. A place where you go that you have tasks that help other things to happen. If you’re being assigned tasks and a schedule you should be paid for it. 

A job is a job is a job. If you’re devoting your life to it you shouldn’t be having to rely on your parents for income no matter what the other benefits of the job are. It’s also very important to our democracy that these stepping stone positions be an option for regular ass people not just the children of the rich.

and almost as if on cue, AOC is tweeting about it:

> What I don’t understand is why the media can’t just admit people have complicated legacies and go about it from that starting point.

What I don’t understand is why the media can’t just admit people have complicated legacies and go about it from that starting point.

It's absolutely maddening! I don't understand the whole memory of a goldfish thing.

Part of the problem is the fact America voters have such short fucking memories that, even when the GOP does something to colossally fuck up the country, they never hold them accountable for long.

Agreed. They look like they’re doubling down on the advantages they have in small rural states to hold the Senate and possibly the presidency. Our system isn’t good at ensuring that the party that gets the most votes actually holds power, and the Republicans are counting on that.

Wait so they say Cardi hired women to jump them (probably to keep herself out of it and not go to jail).... then walks into the club and assaults them hours later.. intriguing


They are both promoting new albums. This is WWF pro wrestling bullshit. Drama sells.

Commented up thread, but I’d say there is a 99% chance that the gift card has strings attached. Namely, these offerings usually come on the hidden condition that you are waiving your legal rights to sue or benefit from a class action lawsuit over this.

Meghan, you irresponsible dumbass - DiCaprio’s carbon footprint is NOT the problem.

Thank you so much for providing your insight. Makes total sense. 👍🏽 Sad and horrible, but it makes sense.

He added that Trump’s remarks were “idiotic.”

I gotta say, that rant took a very weird turn from social responsibility into eugenics real fast.

Trump is the perfect embodiment and essence of what’s generally wrong with today’s world and society. You look at him, listen to him, and you immediately understand why we don’t have a peaceful and prosperous society, why we don’t advance faster, why we don’t use our limited resources more efficiently, why we don’t hav

Seems like it would be helpful for city governments to pass ordinances that say that police must turn over bodycam footage immediately upon request to any person who appears in the footage.

To be clear, the police department had access to this video for more than a year.