
Oh yes we can blame Joe Schmoe pioneer. Who formed militias to burn Indian villages, slaughter entire villages, kidnap and rape Indian women? Joe Schmoe pioneers. Who advocated for the US Army to come and remove Indians to reservations to starve? Joe Schmoe pioneers

And of course, troll is so hopeless it does not even know what name calling actually is. Bye troll!

Arrogance and ignorance in one package. How efficient of you.

Why don’t you go cry at Breitbart? I am sure you will have much more fun over there.

Ha. Most conservative snowflakes seem to interpret any arguing with their vacuous talking points and bigoted bullshit is oppression.

Americans are just as racist as Canadians against First Nations people. It just doesn’t usually make the news as much.

Now, I am just a country indigenous bumpkin who has never been any where near Brooklyn so I can claim zero familiarity with the place. However, as an indigenous bumpkin, I am familiar with culture clashes between communities of differing races or religions. Different groups jockeying for space or power in a polity can

Well, yeah. One day spouse and I were talking about priesthoods (cross culturally thru history) were generally wealth-and-power generating institutions. I hadn’t thought about it much before (history of religions not being my specialty - I studied biology and linguistics). Realized it makes sense tho’. Goes back to

Yes, misogyny is cross-cultural. Tho’ it is interesting how nearly every religion on planet Earth exacerbates that...Anyway, I don’t think she was trying to singly out Hasidic men, that was her description of that driver.

Well, I have read stories of some ultra-Orthodox Jewish men who do attack women who they feel are not dressed modestly to their standards - most I recall happened in Israel, but in Brooklyn there was an issue a couple of years ago about forcing women to sit on the back of buses that were run by someone in that

Because this guy didn’t commit his crime in a vacuum. He’s not just some mentally ill schlub who heard voices in his head and decided to shoot at people at random. Nothing was random about what he did - or about what George Zimmerman did. They both grew up in a society that implies all black men are criminals. This is

Hey pumpkin, ‘butt hurt’ is not a homophobic slur, nor gay baiting. If you are going to troll, you need to up your game.

You’re not making jokes because your dribblings are not remotely funny.

That could be too, what stands out in my mind from this one article is the speculation is it may have gotten started in KS. Because of the farms then - flu viruses are notorious for jumping between humans and pigs and back again, gaining nasty mutations making them more dangerous

Why that’s just an illusion of the debbil!!

I read an article a few months ago that said it became known as Spanish Flu because Spain didn’t seem to have a news blackout around it like many other countries did. This article traced the point of origin as actually being in Kansas, of all places. The Kansas Flu. Hm.

International borders which do include the coastlines, plus within 100 miles of any international port of entry -this includes any and all airports that have international flights that come in. So that way ICE can get in to a significant portion of the country’s interior

LOL Found the TrumpHumper!

She is a rough 29! Dang! I found a link on (for whatever that’s worth) that she was arrested in 2009 at age 20 for theft.

Natalie Wood has a living sister and a child. (likely other relatives too, that’s just all I recall from memory)