
If your implying with your first sentence that law enforcement does not take the murders, disappearances and suspicious deaths of women of color, you are right. As one for-instance, both Canada and the US have had an epidemic of indigenous women disappearing or found dead and law enforcement has done little to nothing.

Well, I’d be fine with deporting Melania and her parents...and Trump himself, for that matter. His gramps snuck back into this country and became a pimp. Throw ‘em out!

Fox Nooz is a hive of scum and villainy. She’s a shallow little shill for a propaganda network. That’s enough to loathe the little vapid twit right there.

You can’t get anywhere with bigots as long as they hold on to their bigotry. They are drunk on fear and hatred - an impenetrable wall.

Well, anyone who supports an ignorant, narcissistic, bombastic, racist, sexist twat is clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. Also, studies have shown most Trump supporters are motivated by racism. So this brown girl says, fuck their sorry hateful greedy asses. That’s all I need to understand.

Unfortunately sexual abuse is pretty common in these Christian Patriarchy families (of which Quiverfull is one variety) - BUT I doubt the baby is Louise Turpin’s bio granddaughter. Here’s why: all those kids (except the infant) were starved. The adult ones all look like children. The thing is, women need a certain

I don’t know - was she unhinged? I mean, if I put myself in her shoes for a moment - if I had a 7 y.o. daughter tell me her (adopted or no) father molested her, and found out he was screwing my teenage daughter - I tell ya I”D be pretty goddamn unhinged, and justifiably so.

I wish they’d evaluated his mental health. I am no doctor, but just based on my experience with my mother as she developed Alzheimer’s, I’d say that Moldy Marmalade has some kind of issue going on with his brain. And it is infuriating to me that he likely didn’t get evaluated for issues of cognitive decline.

Murder, historically, IS a Christian value. Signed, a cynical Native American who remembers the history of Christians who came to Turtle Island and prayed; then fell on the Natives & preyed.

Interesting about the Christians of Goa - I did not know they still practiced caste discrimination (I guess it is such an embedded tradition it isn’t easily erased - not even when switching religions from Hindu to Catholic). I wonder what caste D’Idiot is from. Also, I was always amused by D’Idiot’s hysterics over

I’ve noticed that about him too - he has this cold, empty eyes. Creepy as hell. Makes me wonder, frankly, what is in his basement...*shiver*

Hahaha, when it comes to Indians white people still feel free to believe everything they saw in the movie westerns (of course Indians are savages!), put on red face especially at Halloween, and cheer on Indian mascots like “Redskins”. Nothing has changed in the last 40 years. Or 100.

A lot of white people claim a Cherokee ancestor. More often than not, when some serious genealogy work is done, turns out it is not true. Cher’s mom may have possibly had a Cherokee ancestor, on the other hand more likely Cher’s mom was lied to. Just like in Elizabeth Warren’s family. She grew up on OK so it made the

Kaya is the one who claimed her daddy was from an Apache reservation - near Dallas, Texas which is no longer there. Hm. Interesting, as there has never been a reservation of any tribe near Dallas!

The song is stupid, but most Natives are more annoyed by the fake headdress she wears for the song (for many reasons). Black face and Yellowface are no longer socially acceptable - why is red-face still a thing?

Rodgers clearly had some serious, inadequately addressed emotional/mental health issues combined with self-hatred.

I kind of wonder if the girlfriend is going to keep holding to the Nazi ideology her idiot boyfriend spoon fed her - in spite of said Nazi murdering her parents.

Except racism is deeply embedded in white evangelicalism. For the conservative, politicized fundamentalist/evangelicals, their belief system is deeply racist. Can’t separate it out. Many writers have pointed this out, but I find Libby Anne’s writings interesting (she grew up in a Christian home school environment, but