
It’s racism they don’t want to acknowledge within themselves along with fundamentalist religious brainwashing. I saw an interview with some pro-Moore white Alabama women, they had convinced themselves that the women abused by Moore were lying and had been paid off. These people are so thoroughly wrapped up in their

I hate Moore’s association with some really unhinged Dominionists. About 6-7 years ago he was working on a ‘law class’ for male dominionists (yes, men only, no icky girlz allowed) with Doug Vision of the now defunct Vision Forum, a male patriarchy Christian ‘ministry’. (And why it is defunct? I will give you 3 guesses

I am a bit puzzled about his claim of testosterone being an immunosupresant - are there any studies to back that up? I was taught, long ago, that the reason women’s immune systems were stronger is that some of the genetic code for immune cells were on the X chromosome - of which women usually have 2, men 1 (exceptions

My first thought was ‘cripe covering up murder? I thought that shit went out with the Medici popes.’ Guess not.

Individual Mormons can be nice, but I will never forgive their church for pushing the false myth of “Lamanites” on our people and treating us like garbage.

So much for those ‘Christian values’ white evangelicals are always crowing about. The only values they have are ones that would disgust the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount - power and greed. It’s repellent.

Yup. THese ‘sage brush’ assholes are just like their beloved pioneer ancestors - violent greedy thugs looking to make a buck off anything they can exploit, consequences be damned. They want what they want, NOW. (Very Trumpian, really) Signed, a cynical Indian of the far west.

Actually, Natives did and do have a concept of land ownership. Just because you are to stupid and ignorant to understand that is your own fault. And the reason whites stole the land is because they were disease carriers, coming from towns where sewage ran in the streets. It’s easy to steal when 90% plus of the local

Well for Native Americans, it is pretty dark. Our eastern cousins taught those incompetent starving idiot pilgrims how to plant corn, and shared their food with said idiot pilgrims. Meanwhile, idiot fucking pilgrims were convinced the whole surrounding ‘wilderness’ and Natives were full of demons. They thought they

Grampa Fred was a pimp as well. Why am I not surprised.

That is historically what white Christians did with Native kids - raise them in ‘good’ white Christian families. The adoption ministry groups HATE ICWA (the Indian Child Welfare Act, which generally discourages adopting Indian kids away from Indian families) and have been lobbying hard to modify ICWA or do away with

I wonder what the end game for these pro life zealots is here - normally they hate ‘illegals’ and if she gives birth, that child will have American citizenship. Are they hoping to force adoptions? There is quite the market now among white US Christians to adopt ‘foreign’ babies and attempting to steal Native American

Sigh. Why do white people always think every Indian everywhere is Aztec? Two very large continents. Many of whom are not culturally or linguistically related to Aztecs (not that, as you point out, the Aztecs were somehow scarier than several “Old World” cultures). I’m from the west coast. No cannibalism in our

As a Native American, I hear lies repeated as truth by white folks all the time - I assume because it is a nice, comfy justification for genocide. After all it is not REALLY genocide if the Natives were cannibals, few in #, didn’t have a concept of property, etc. People dearly love their lies, it makes them feel

This kind of crap makes me want to bring back the Ghost Dance.

I understand. Today there is an article about this at too. Made mistake of reading comments. As of right now, there are few comments on it but there are already 2 minimizing rape. One says she was ‘physically mature’. I am so angry, those disgusting rape apologists better thank whatever gods they believe in

It’s adorable! But I am biased, I have pet rats. They are so sweet.

I always thought white people claimed the “Cherokee Princess” thing to 1) somehow make themselves more ‘exotic’ and interesting and 2) make themselves more ‘Merican. I could be wrong tho’. The hiding of a black mistress was likely rather common in the south. (being an Indian from the far west, I will confess now I

And never reading would contribute to his struggles when he is forced to read a speech. Reading is like a muscle - a person needs to read regularly to keep up those skills, or else it’ll atrophy.