
Don’t bring the Inuit people into this mess.

Nope, but it is nice to know Mrs. Steerpike and I are on the same page!

I hope she seriously considers divorcing his delusional, self-absorbed ass. For the safety of herself and the baby.

Yeah, I gotta wonder, did she know what kind of deeply disturbed violent man she was marrying? Also, given his behavior, I would bet he is a domestic abuser. I just doubt he was able to switch off his controlling and violent behavior. Hey Mrs. Rupert: Get out if at all possible. RUN! Get help, get away from this

Some of us brown people were here before the invasion of the Spanish Empire, even. And yet we indigenous people are also treated as foreigners - in our own land! USA, land of twisted ironies, founded on a brutal ethnic cleansing everyone wants to pretend Never Happened.

It’s a start. If it is possible to get enough angry people to the polls, not even gerrymandering will save the Weasels. Of course, in many states, the R’s (most notably) have worked hard to disenfranchise voters in any small way they can, and kick people off the voter rolls. In these states it is important to organize

Two series. One, The Daedalus Incident (first in a trilogy) by Michael Martinez. Fun series - a universe that is like Age of Sail Steampunk where alchemy actually works starts intruding on our universe. Second are books by P. C. Hodgell. First two books are God Stalk and Dark of the Moon, that in more recent editions

What’s funny is, it isn’t unusual for Natives to be asked “What is your Indian name?” (Not realizing that in some tribes, names are semi-private, they are not shared with anyone and everyone).

The thing is, in the US Natives make up maybe 2% of the population, and your average American knows nothing of Natives - contemporary or past. Their knowledge was mainly gleaned from poorly written school text books and westerns. It’s all about war hoops and savages. They genuinely think they know what Indians are

For centuries now there have been white Americans who love to put on ‘red face’ - play Indian. There are whole organizations devoted to it. As an actual Indian/First Nations person, I find the phenomenon both puzzling and creepy. These people often insist they are imitating some aspect of a culture perfectly -better

worth it, well that is a tricky question. I liked it (tho’ by no means anywhere near a favorite) but it is a dark book. Kind of a distillation of bad things adoptees have experienced coupled with all the prejudices and dumb things Indians hear, in one book. I guess the answer is, it depends on if you like reading

Actually “Indian Killer” was written by Sherman Alexie - mom was Spokane, dad Couer d’Alene and he grew up on the Spokane rez so...pretty sure he’s an actual Indian!

Thanks for the tip! If I write a horror novel, I shall use this method to get some choice quotes for the book from HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe.

Why stop there? Since he seems to like collecting blurbs from dead people, he ought to go for broke - William Shakespeare!

I love following Tony Ortega’s blog of Scientology news. ( Holmes, apparently, was in deep trouble - not only was Suri reaching the age where kids start Co$ ‘auditing’ in a big way, but all the house staff were $cilons who reported to the cult. She planned her escape masterfully. So glad she got

In the case of Mount Rushmore, that might be a nice start. After all it is built on land taken in violation of two treaties with the Lakota and Dakota peoples, and desecrates the Six Grandfathers Mountain.

Fascinating article. Also, the ritual cannibalism is quite gruesome. I would like to make a PSA - do not eat fascists. Eating toxic waste is very dangerous, if not fatal.

Interesting cultural fact about ‘Meridians - they sure do regard property as sacred. Well, their property anyway.

And that, in a nutshell, is Christianity in ‘Merika. They like to think they worship Jesus but they really worship unbridled greed and money.

Yeah, that’s my gut feeling.