
I asked this on another forum - and I am genuinely curious - if the writers of this show intend to address what status native peoples have in this show. Those states have tribes there to this day (Mississippi Choctaw, Houma, Creek, among others) that were able to resist or escape forced removal to “Indian Territory”

Too late. See: Congress, and the millions of adults who voted for Trump

Even uglier it seems the state of SD has been using Native kids to make $ - SD classifies each Native foster kid as ‘special needs’ and because of that they get extra money from the feds for each kid. It’s grotesque. Flies right in the face of ICWA.

Exactly! They aren’t killing those chickens to be mean, they are going to cook up some nice fresh chicken.

Supportive undergarments? Oh dear. Granny panties, a girdle,and a big bra with underwires?? Daddy Dobson’s kink (I know, the columnist wasn’t Dobson himself, but maybe he hired some like minded men). Daddy Dobson once wrote about how his mother had a fierce girdle with buckles and straps of some sort she used to

Wow, what a steaming pile this vid is! (But of course anything touched by that Dr. Daddy Dobson will be. As my TX mama would’ve said, that man has more hang-ups than Zha Zha’s closet). My favorite part is the opening minute - trying to make a little summer carnival into something so menacing. Ooooooo!

I guess you missed the part of the headline and article that mentions she died. I am pretty sure that counts as ‘harming others’. And there have been plenty of other cases of women and girls dying in these huts - snake bite, suffocation, etc. Also there are reports of rape. Which points to, frankly, that the reasons

Indeed. I’ve read blogs by walkaways from the Dominionist movement (which has pretty much taken over Fundie world, tho’ they don’t call themselves Dominionists) and I still don’t understand the mind set. Here is an interesting and terrifying article at The Advocate about some of these twisted women: https://www.advocat

The satire, you missed it.

Cleveland only wishes they could be a “Tribe” those Pretendian mocking bastards.

I seriously doubt a simple slap can knock an eyeball out of someone’s head (unless maybe it is a glass/fake eye - my cousin had one, but as I recall even those don’t come out easily over any little bump or jostle). Maybe she lost a contact lens. no way did that drama llama lose an ‘eyeball’.

And you believe them? It’s called lying for the lord. They may not call themselves ‘quiver full’ but they subscribe to the principles of these movements (because they aren’t a monolith)

Actually the principle of ‘using their religion to further abuse’ is not insane in their world, it is standard operating procedure. Abuse, and covering it up, and forcing victims to forgive or even apologist to their abuser is EXTREMELY common in these fundie cults.

From what I recall, In Touch did not publish the girls’ names, but because idiot Josh only has so many sisters in the right age range people figured it out.

Just read up on articles on blogs by walkaways from Christian Patriarchy and Quiverfull. They are FULL of stories of how these cults protect abusers. It’s disgusting. So yeah, you better bet Daddy Duggar only cares about ‘the brand’ and damage to it, and the daughters have to tow the line or else.

I can’t say I am that familiar with the author’s particular voice, and I was able to see right away it was satire. Then again, many people fall regularly into thinking Onion articles are real, so... I guess someone needs to write a think piece on why Americans seem so awful at identifying satire.

In one article I read he had been posting on the Redpill reddit about a girlfriend and how he was ‘testing’ and ‘training’ her. So, to him, she is not a partner but a dog to be trained. Sick. I hope like hell that girlfriend has run like hell away from this asshole.

Grants Pass?

I guess you never noticed, but female rape victims are also treated badly and have a hard time getting help. This culture treats all rape victims badly.

If you have spent as much as a minute on actual MRA sites you would notice they don’t even give lip service to such issues as suicide and support for male survivors of sexual assault. There are organizations out there working on these issues - but MRAs are not involved. MRAs are all about hating and dehumanizing