Someone else is super salty about Ol’ Pete. And a few other things. As my mum used to say, mad as a wet hen in a rain barrel:
Someone else is super salty about Ol’ Pete. And a few other things. As my mum used to say, mad as a wet hen in a rain barrel:
Well, I did. Admittedly I was in shock, there was so much blood, and I didn’t know what to do. I doubt I am the first or the last woman to miscarry on a damn toilet. And hubby took me to ER for decent medical care. Now granted this happened in CA, not Southern Jebusland, but still...
Maybe nothing shady happened. The article said something about the fetal remains were flushed down a drain? Well damn, in 2010 in CA I miscarried a 20 week fetus while on the toilet. Before any pro-life ninnies yell at me, I did not know I was about to miscarry. I knew from the spotting something was wrong and had…
You are the reason we hate white males. Signed, a cynical Native American.
Exactly. Living in the US, I have known many women (who had access to healthcare/insurance) who experienced miscarriages or stillbirths. They had no control over it. Hell, I had a miscarriage in 2010 at about 20 weeks. If I had been in El Salvador, I could have gone to jail for that. Luckily I was in California, where…
Hm, don’t be so sure that (in the utterly improbable event) all women wanted to get together to kill all men - it isn’t hard to do if one has even a modicum of deadly plants and fungi. A little poison slipped in food, and that’s it. Guns, the all-American favorite. There is also the knowledge that everyone has to…
It’s old hat for Georgia - they already chased out the indigenous people, now the neo-confederates hope they can do the same to black people and anyone else they deem ‘undesirable’.
On Rawstory, someone uncovered Hatten’s gofundme scam where she was begging for money to adopt a kid (she’s infertile - I wonder if that is in large part why she was in a “pro-life” movement - she needs someone’s babies to adopt). It isn’t up on gofundme no - bitch raised $2000 from her scam - but when it when it was…
I also note she forgets America is not Europe, and in the eyes of us indigenous North Americans, white folks haven’t been here all that long. Turtle Island is not a magical wypipo land. If she wants that, she can take her candy ass back to Europe. Except, likely none of those countries would want her.
I think so too. Or promised to pay for one and reneged (Trump is notorious for not paying contractors, so it would not surprise me at all he’d renege on something like this).
Oh! I just found this article and Target thinks the found the idiot, and has fired him: https://www.rawstory.com/2018/04/target-fires-employee-neo-nazi-slogans/
From the article, it does sound like the cards were inside the diaper boxes and since they are appearing in different parts of the country, I assume they must have been put inside at the facility that makes the diapers or a distribution center. Should be traceable back to the facility, and hopefully from there the…
Piping in here as a biologist, humans have a distinctively omnivore digestive system - from teeth to sphincter. Obviously, individual humans can choose to embrace some foods and not others at least up to the point it doesn’t screw up their health (looking at you, banana girl) but there is nothing inherently wrong or…
Salamish is not a language, but salami is a food. (I think you meant Salish, of which only one is native to Oregon: Tillamook. We also have Penutian (Chinookan, Molalla, Kalapuyan, Takelma, Hanis, Milluk, Siuslaw, and I think Sahaptin, Umatilla, Nez Perce), Paiute and various Athabaskan dialects which we’ll sum up as…
Exactly. Someone should tell Tucker that white people are immigrants to North America-aka Turtle Island as it is known in many Native stories. When white people showed up, they carried plagues. Whole Native villages died out. When my tribe was sent to a reservation where a Native village (Yaxaik) had been, there were…
Indeed. I am an Native enrolled in one of the Oregon tribes, and Mr. Paleface can fuck right off with is deluded bullshit about “Cascadia” being a white homeland. He can take his ugly colonial ass right back to Europe with that - except nobody (except perhaps Hungary, Poland or Russia) would want his stupid ass back.
There’s a gene pool in dire need of chlorine
So a family full of homicidal maniacs, grifters, and racists. What a charming bunch of sleaze bags - and these people think they are the ‘master race’. Yeah, master race of what - septic tank bacteria? Whoo hoo.
That stupid creature is supposed to be part of ‘the master race’? What a joke. He looks like an experiment from the island of Dr. Moreau - a failed experiment that was crossed with porcine genes.
Rowe is a far kinder and forgiving person than I am. I am feeling pretty cynical these days, and I fear Brochu will not become a better person, & won’t have learned a thing. I hope I am wrong, but...