Oh honey please. Shitty statues less than a century old of shitty people are in no way shape or form the same as ancient monuments from ancient cultures that ISIS destroys or loots. So fuck right off with your painfully stupid false equivalency.
Oh honey please. Shitty statues less than a century old of shitty people are in no way shape or form the same as ancient monuments from ancient cultures that ISIS destroys or loots. So fuck right off with your painfully stupid false equivalency.
In regards to the Lumbee tribe they have a tribal office, and the woman who wrote in might want to check with their records, see if any of her family names are in Lumbee records.
Well, what can one expect of the spawn of smug phony baloney preacherman Mike Huckabee.
I gotta deal for Zinke. When the colonists start being nice, we’ll be nice too. ‘Kay?
I don’t understand how Bad Turtle McConnell gets any support in that state. It came out in 2014 he may have family ties to drug running (his father in law’s shipping industry). He’s a gross dishonest jerk. I am really curious...who supports this guy and why?
Yeah. In the vid I certainly enjoyed seeing such noble Christian behavior as chest beating like a gorilla and grabbing his dick. Classy. I am sure Jesus would be oh so proud. *hurl*
Nope. Tiff-tiff is just as shitty as the rest of them, she just hasn’t had as much time or exposure as the older spawn: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/reliable-source/wp/2017/01/17/hair-stylists-snub-to-marla-maples-no-free-services-in-exchange-for-inauguration-day-exposure/?utm_term=.f209a7344beb
He can be a salesman, manipulative asshole and have dementia all at the same time.
Sorry for your loss. My mom died from Alzheimer’s a decade ago. These kind of diseases are very painful to watch progress in our loved ones’.
From news stories I have seen, his nastyness goes back to at least his high school days. Still, I find the decline of his language skills over the past 30 years pretty interesting and striking, and yet another clear indicator that Trump is unfit for office (or much of anything really).
You know what I find the most interesting about this interview from 29 years ago...notice how he speaks, compared to today. He speaks much more rapidly and coherently. Today he tends to speak in short phrases, and in a very repetitive manner, where his sentences are often sprinkled with a few words and phrases that…
The west coast states have their own bloody history of genocide and slavery - against Native American people. And that is a history white people like to pretend never happened.
The FBI doesn’t care about it. They aren’t the county fucking sheriffs. They have zero interest in dealing with domestic abuse, assaults and rape. Ditto the federal court system.
Oooooh noo. Presbyterian Church in America is even more grotesque and evil than you think. Many of the PCA churches are affiliated with the theology of Christian reconstructionism. They believe in a strict interpretation of the OT that says stoning people for adultery, sex before marriage, being disobedient to…
Oh no, I thought that was Markwayne “Arrogant Asshole” Mullen in the photo...and dammit it is. This self-absorbed twit is an utter embarrassment to OK and all of Indian country. Dear OK, PLEASE vote this dumb-ass out of office next year. Please please please please.
Funny how when FGM is discussed someone always has to bring up circumcision of pensises. One might almost think people thought penises were more important or something, since there is never ever never a discussion about FGM that is focussed solely on FGM. Funny that.
My mom was born in 1929 (so far as we know) in the backwoods of the TX panhandle and she had no birth certificate. Crazy!
Her name was familiar, I thought she was the one who wrote that anti-Indian book last year. Sure enough, Naomi Schaeffer Riley is the one who caused a stir 5 years ago when she wrote an article advocating that universities should do away with black studies departments. Then she decided to pick on Native Americans…
Yes, altho’ that follows our tradition - in the old days when women married, they went to their husband’s village to live with him and his family. Sometimes this mean moving some distance, to another river where the people spoke another language.
Native American stories from the OR coast are in some ways a mirror image of the selkie stories. There is one about “The Woman Who Married Seal”. A woman is canoeing near shore, looking for food. She sees a handsome man and stops to talk. He tells her his country is full of food, and she should come marry him. She…