Alas, the ‘manosphere’ is a thing - a hive of scum and villainy that makes Mos Eisley look like a pack of puddy tats.
Alas, the ‘manosphere’ is a thing - a hive of scum and villainy that makes Mos Eisley look like a pack of puddy tats.
Milo said he had a consensual relationship w/ someone when he was 17 and the other guy was 29. He also said tho’ he was abused by a priest - “Father Michael” - when he was 14. He tried to crack a joke about it, but their is nothing about it that’s funny.
Exactly. There are some huge crops grown in the US that don’t directly require bees, like wheat (it is wind pollinated). But the numerous species of bees are the dominant pollinator, and they are vital to so many domestic crops of fruits and vegetables, and some browse for livestock (clover) - not too mention all of…
My understanding is Alta California was a seperately administered colony from Mexico. But to us indigenous folks, there all furriners. Who weren’t very friendly, what with all the forced religious conversions, slaughter, rape, slavery and theft (and this was true not just of the Spanish but the Americans as well)
What’s especially funny is California -long before the invasion of English-speaking gold miners and other pikers - used to be Alta California, a Spanish colony. How could someone grow up in SoCal and be so unaware of the Spanish heritage of the region??
Sure, it was just a little manner of genocide. And the colonial governments of the Americas are still stealing land from Native peoples, breaking treaties, killing Native activists. No big deal! So long as the rich and powerful stay rich and powerful, and the missionaries feast on our bones, it’s all good!
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Cuz the Moon is made Cheese, everyone knows that so yeah, totally faked.
Well god-fucking-damn, you are the first ‘nuke’ truther I ever heard of. I’ve seen too many moon-landing-truthers, 9-11 truthers, Newtown truthers, loopy flat earthers...but you are the first ever nuke truther I’ve ever even heard of. Congratulations on inventing a new idiocy. Now you just have to come up with step 3…
Probably because Obama didn’t nominated complete fucking idiots and Dominionist whackjobs to cabinet positions. Just a thought.
Well apparently there really was a Bowling Green Massacre. However, to be fair, it is one Kellyann doesn’t know about, nor do many Americans. It happened in the 17th century & was a brutal massacre perpetrated not by Muslims, but by European Christians:
PP helps women get affordable birth control, treats issues like yeast infections and UTI’s, cancer screenings and all kinds of other preventive medicine and treatments. And guess what - having access to affordable birth control helps prevent abortions! Sounds like a win-win to me.
If the federal land is given to states (and not all of that land belongs to the feds free and clear, some of it is land taken from tribes in violation of treaties), teh states will just sell it to corporations.
So that fucker Rob Bishop thinks it’s about controlling land not saving species. I guess Representative Dipshit doesn’t understand that one cannot save a species without habitat - remarkably enough species need physical space (land, water) from which to secure food and space for nesting/denning/etc, and breeding.…
Miscarriages are very common. Many thousands of women experience it every year. Many grieve, very few kidnap. I think this woman has something seriously wrong with her to do that.
Yeah, what do you want to bet this jackass thinks it is totally great insurance pays for boner pills like Viagra and Cialis, but oh noes can’t let the wimminz (including married wimmenz) have BC thru insurance!
Milo likes to think of himself as a writer, apparently. But it has come out that his self-published poetry book from 2007 was full of plagiarized Tori Amos lyrics. If that isn’t utterly pathetic, I don’t know what is.
I can’t believe how many gullible deplorables actually believe Trump is a successful businessman. He’s gone bankrupt numerous times, Wall Street banks won’t finance him & he’s been getting loans from Deutshe Bank, and for decades he’s been notorious for fucking over vendors and contractors. Some businessman.
It has nothing to do with accepting, so much as mocking stupidity.
Yeah, well fuck ‘em anyway. The Trump voters may not think of themselves as actual “Nazi stormtroopers”, but Nazis were able to do what they did in large part because millions of average Germans were willing to look away and pretend everything was OK. That’s what these future collaborator deplorable motherfuckers did.…
I am so sorry for your loss.