Take your strawman, slather it in hotsauce, and shove it up your ass.
Take your strawman, slather it in hotsauce, and shove it up your ass.
Ha I had the same thought! Some of those STEM classes might teach things this legislator doesn’t like - not only about evolution and climate change, but geology (no global flood, earth is not flat and is more than six millenia old), astronomy and physics (universe reeeeeeeally big, more than 14 billion years old).…
YES! It is bizarre to think how much time and effort this stupid endeavor of the OU twit took.
Look at that drug-addicted, dead-eyed mug’s ugly ass bowl haircut. He has never been laid in his life. And likely won’t be now. (Even further off topic, but on top of his cold dead eyes that fucking bowl haircut pisses me off and I would love to shave it off his head)
‘ridiculous emissions’ standards? Oh fuck no, there are damn good reasons those exist. My husband grew up in SoCal in the 60s and 70s, and the smog was horrendous. It is serious now, but the air quality is MUCH better today because of those standards. Unless you like breathing nightmare air like they have in Beijing...
My husband says he saw a documentary years ago about the Beatles song “All You Need is Love” and in it Abby Hoffman was interviewed & said something like ‘love is very nice, but what you NEED is justice’. I think he was spot on. Love is nice and all that, but what is needed is justice - human rights for all.
White Nationalists in North America make me laugh. For one thing, Turtle Island (aka North America to the colonists) is NOT a ‘white homeland’. Closest thing to that is Europe.
Yeah, it’s bizarre. First they wanted to cross under the river near Bismarck - Bismarck did not like that. SO they decide to go under a mile and a half wide reservoir - drilling under that wide of a body of water is dicier than going under a narrower portion of river, and if something goes wrong it is much harder to…
Out here in NorCal, I live near a new shopping center that has a portion of the parking lot that has charging stations for electric cars. I see Teslas parked out there pretty regularly. Pretty cool!
Well, ND residents love to paint Natives as scary savages (nothing has changed since the 19th century I swear) so I can’t say I am surprised by this utter stupidity.
OMG seriously? That’s horrifying...too much ‘like father, like son’. What the hell predatory, misogynistic bullshit has dear ol’ daddy been teaching his son?
A quarter thought he’d start a nuclear war. Hmm, I’m betting those people are Rapture-Ready Evangelicals, who think the war will prompt Jeeeezusss to come back and Rapture them, or something He/They start as part of the Rapture. I never cease to be amazed how many dipshit superstitious ‘Merikins are convinved…
It is a nonsensical contradiction indeed.
and this link too:
From what I read of people who used to be in $cientology and worked with the Cruises (but have since fled the cult) - is that David Miscavige (who has run the cult since L Ron Hubbard ‘shed his container’) wanted Kidman out (her dad is a psychiatrist, a professtion hated by the $cientologists) and Cruise back in.…
Nope. The tribe wasn’t given meaningful consultation - ACE fast tracked this project over the objection of several other agencies.
I’ve seen that kind of comment before - hawhaw just give the Indians some $. There are a lot of conservative folks who are still drunk, in 2016, on Manifest Destiny. They claim they worship Jesus (as many of these people follow some form of Christianity, often some flavor of Dominionist, Calvinist or properity…
So far as I know he was never a pimp but he was involved in a weird little Aleister Crowley inspired sex cult at one point (it’s covered in the book “Going Clear”) and mentioned briefly here:
This is ridiculous.
The tone of Jezebel is often sarcastic. Perhaps the author wanted to make a point - as many others have this past week - as to the grim irony of Americans celebrating Thanksgiving while Indians are, once again, fighting for their rights. Thanksgiving itself is based on genocide. The superstitious pilgrims thought they…