I know, right? How dare Indians fight for their water, their sacred sites, their land. The nerve!!
I know, right? How dare Indians fight for their water, their sacred sites, their land. The nerve!!
Yes, we mustn’t hurt the delicate feefees of colonists over ongoing genocide
I am a bit surprised Vivian Kubrick would go so far as to raise $ & lobby for health insurance from SAG for Duvall. So far as I know, Kubrick is still an ardent Scientologist, and they don’t believe in psychiatry - they think any mental illness can be cured the church ‘auditing’.
So I haven’t owned a teevee in years (and no netflix or Hulu either...I know, I know, I am a broke Luddite & a barbarian. Um, sorry?) so I do know of the existence of Dr. whatisnose, but what is going on with Shelley Duvall? I mean, I can’t recall reading anything about what is going on with Ms. Duvall, so I haven’t…
I suspect there are 2 points. The Thomas Moore Institute (mom’s lawyers) would like to overturn some of these laws where minors can access medical treatments without parental permission. In this case, gender reassignment treatments (hormones), but the long game is birth control and abortion.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
I don’t know about politicians openly calling for it. This came out of a discussion with a Native scholar. There are some far right groups that would agitate for a program like tribal termination - groups like Citizens Equal Rights Alliance (CERA) which have been very active in some states, tho’ so far they haven’t…
Nope. Look at the history. It’s all about the slave states.
Thanks!! My last comments got ungreyed - but I surely don’t know how to get myself into ‘not-grey-status’. I wish I could get ungreyed!!
I have known of a few that did - but the ones I know of were built in regions very far from any sort of population center. (Definitely not the case for Atlantic City!)
Yes, it is well known in Indian country that Trump has financial ties with these assholes. Why anyone would do business w/ Trump is a mystery though - he drives numerous business to bankruptcy, while bleeding off just enough $ for himself so he walks away relatively untouched.
The Orange Menace will have lots of friends in the Repub Congress all too happy to destroy the public land agencies & give everything away to corporations.
Damn KKK. So those assbackwards lying shits babble on and on ‘Merika is a white homeland - NO IT IS NOT. My not white indigenous ancestors have been living on turtle island for THOUSANDS of years. White folks stole the country because 90 percent or more of Natives died from nasty diseases Europeans brought over - and…
wyff4 has a timeline of events:
Yeah, there were a couple of articles out there on it last month. From what I can tell from articles I have read, Kreepy Kohlhepp kidnapped Kala Brown & Charlie Carver on August 31 (she had been working for Kohlhepp at least part time cleaning houses. One article said Kohlhepp lured hte couple out to the property with…
I’ve been reading about this, feeling sick about it. Kohlhepp’s face reminds me of a 13 y.o. boy I knew when I was 12...
Tony Ortega’s blog is a good place for $cilon news, and Tommy Davis is indeed working for Packer:
O RLY. So, in your view, why is redface acceptable while blackface is not? Especially considering the ongoing genocide of Native people in the Americas?
Apparently the dipshit writers at Daily Mail didn’t get that history lesson. One has to wonder, just where to the Brits think the Pilgrims got corn, squash, beans? Those incompetent invaders had no idea what they were doing, and were starving. Enough Natives took pity on them and, unfortunately for future generation…
Beautiful land, but apparently many of the people are racist assholes. After all, OH is one of many eastern states that made sure Natives were forcibly removed to “Indian Territory” (which was, later, stolen again by settlers to become OK. But of course.).