
so this is how they are going to get it working on Switch

They went to so many different places you have to pick and choose what to follow or it gets a bit much. I added Vice Motherboard to my feeds and at least that’s fairly slow so I’m not overwhelmed. Also has ex-Kotaku (amongst other things) writer Patrick Klepek as a bonus. Polygon in comparison is a very very busy site

Patricia Hernandez is at Polygon.

Oh, I knew I recognized those names when I heard an ad on MBMBAM!

Also Cecilia is at Wired and Joshua Rivera is writing freelance at a bunch of places.

Jason is going to Bloomberg. All three Splitscreen hosts now host Triple Click at Maximum Fun. Gita Jackson is at Motherboard.

At least I never used the word florid.

Still not as good as the Oracles games though.

How sad is Never Alone? Me and my 8-year-old had a great time playing Rime, but then the ending somewhat terrified and haunted her.

Yes! These are two my wife and I loved playing together. Never Alone was pretty short but a great game. Unraveled 2 was shear perfection.

Yeah, I doubt he planned to die in a helicopter crash today.

Goodbye to a real one 


For those of you who don’t know, Grandia originally was released on the Sega Saturn, and only received a PlayStation 1 port afterwards. The West only got the PS1 version, though.

Imagine thinking teenagers don’t know about horny memes

But I’ll take it...I’ve never stopped about praising Warren. She deserves every bit she gets.

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


Yes, what a total surprise that the developing points of a story which was already reported on would only get a small blurb as an update rather than a full article.

Lie to my face again. I dare you.

Fun fact: the AP style book specifically allows the use of “:(“ only when referring to the departure of a beloved president of Nintendo of America.