alternating between Earthbound and Bravely Default. Somewhere over the last month or two I fell back in love with RPGs. Goodbye, free time
alternating between Earthbound and Bravely Default. Somewhere over the last month or two I fell back in love with RPGs. Goodbye, free time
I wish this game were easier to platinum- I love it so much. But there’s no way I’ll be able to get through it without dying.
I, for one, look forward to awesome in-depth Metroid analysis, and spicy takes on Ant-Man.
Earthbound (for the first time!). It’s blown me away so far. I’m shocked that they haven’t made Paula a SSB character yet.
I found it kind of “meh”, really. Art direction isn’t amazing, the mechanics aren’t nearly as deep as their inspiration. I might try and plow through it to see if it gets its hooks in me, but as of now I don’t love it.
I don’t know if it was the character build I went with or what, but this game didn’t do it for me. The art direction is pretty weak, too. I might give it another shot with a different character build but overall the game was just OK to me.
Anyone interested in this ought to check out the excellent Boss Fight Book about this very subject! And maybe while you’re at it check out Kohler’s FFV book as well
Seina! Not “Sheina”.
yes! been holding off on Zero Escape. Can’t wait to play.
Undertale! and maybe God of War 2. Giving my vita a workout
I love the rifle in Bastion! such great weapon designs and mechanics
great write ups! forgot to mention to you, I’ll be attending E3 this year :-) looking forward to seeing some overconfident promises and games that will never see the light, as well as a million awesome indie games
I really hope that one day this feature comes to mac- in the meantime I’m stockpiling free games until I get a device to play them on
I really hope that one day this feature comes to mac- in the meantime I’m stockpiling free games until I get a…
this is a really interesting companion piece to this one, over at Waypoint. I’m really looking forward to another playthrough of this game, maybe with my wife- I think it’s important to get different takes and criticism from a wide variety.
I actually just received my Blades In The Dark rulebook last night! Really looking forward to getting a couple games going (rolling?) once I read through it a couple times.
hell yeah man! those and Danganronpa
sounds like Ethan Gach and I just became best friends, the Vita is rad as hell
would you say that fighting these trolls is taking a toll?
every now and then I’ll start a new game and just think “why am I not just playing bloodborne?” and then go back to that instead