
You think his hair still looks like this?

Dammit! I was worried I missed a joke somewhere, and I was right. I should just never talk.

Now playing

Actually, Seth is Zach’s “twin” brother

Who’s Blanche and what school she at?

I love how you managed to spell the particularly difficult “Galifianakis” correctly but gave him the completely wrong first name. I’m fired up.

you need to go do something with a college kid

He should have said he needed to mullet over.

If Dan Marino had played hockey:

He’s not even denying the accusations, just complaining that he’s being punished unfairly. Interesting.

It’s basically the same tactic my 10-year-old uses when she feels shame and starts ticking off all the similar things her 5-year-old sister has done in the past.

Uh, Gabe, who the f is “Christ Mortensen?”

Good riddance, but if he wants to take Kraft and Roethlisberger with him, I wouldn’t object.

All the teams thinking of signing him now have cold feet. 

Fucking spoilers, asshole!

It is pretty interesting how well this all worked out for the NFL. Patriots cut Brown and may end up getting out of paying Brown almost all of his money. This route seemed to have been enabled by the league’s dragging its feet on placing Brown on the exempt list, which would have essentially been paid leave for

This diva piece of shit can't see his part in any of this. 

He’s not wrong about Ben, Kraft and Sharpe all being pretty much scumbags.

You sweet summer child. 

I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.

That’s in case they pass a McDonald’s......