
For sure, I can see how people would feel like that. I'm a little uncomfortable with the implication that somehow reaching out to people who have shared their personal problems with you and then reject yours is somehow a game. I appreciate the advice though guys.

I just don't think there is a "they" and an "us". But in some ways I know your right. People are afraid and judgmental and we all like to think we're better.

Alright, so number three describes my life to a T. But the people I have reached out to have reacted in incredibly negative ways. I tried to tell my in-laws and now they make sure not to leave me alone in any room with children. I tried to tell a friend at work, they started accusing me of stealing. I tried to tell


Where is the MDMA???????


Haha. Practicing science is awesome. Seriously though, a self reported topic such as this could be social science and could have pointed the researchers in a better direction to start with.

Does anyone else thinks its appalling that no one seems to know how we orgasm? It's 2014, how do we not have this shit on lock down? In fact, you could have just fucking asked women, how many different types of orgasms do we have. I could have fucking told them, and no wet tampons would have been needed. Sorry, but

NOPE. Common mistake. Don't fucking move here under that impression. Seriously, I made that mistake. Also, people here dislike Americans. THERE I SAID IT. Come and get me Canada.

I thought that was an actual picture of a reddit guy. Isn't it? Angrily wanking over creep shot upskirt pictures is like their secret handshake and also the key morphological feature that distinguishes them from decent human beings.

Maybe if they took the time to get a PhD and dedicate there life to understanding the science behind things like this, then we should all listen to what they have to say instead of labeling them "environmentalists".

Actual science??????? Please bring in the science someone, the uneducated opinions are unbearable down here.

Okay. Lilo does not seem anymore messed up then the majority of people you meet, tbh. Like, I don't hang out with people like this, but I know them. This article reads like a conversation from the privileged and entitled girls in high school gossiping about a fellow privileged and entitled girl.

#LiesToldByMales "You have nothing to worry about, I'm not a rapist or anything"

I just realized that my husband is handsome in the exact same weird way that Benedict Cumberbatch is handsome aaaaaand my pants fell off. G2G.

whatever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night is none of my business.

You think your entitled to that much of the worlds resources?

Is anyone really surprised by this? If you are, you live a very sheltered life.

Alright, Now we need to start some great female MC recommendations. Anyone?

That is exactly what I imagined David to look like.