Thanks for this.
Thanks for this.
Neko Case is my hero.
THANK YOU. So tragic.
Thank you! I am fucking mesmerized by her. Be my mom Sharon Malone! Or at least preform complex gynecological surgery on me, that would suffice.
Is Mindy Kaling supposed to look like a giant vagina? cause its awesome.
Yes! this is like a weird hugging mannequin vignette in a maceys window or something...
I'm sorry you went through that! It's good to know I'm not the only one, you know? But jeeze, that must have been a nightmare. I'm going to buy myself a dslr camera and send her a card. Fuck it.
this is awesome. thank you.
Lol, It would be like a redneck remake of a rambo movie.
You know what? just yes. I will do something nice for myself. Thank you!
Need some advice for my sisters wedding (so many weddings on GT today):
This one is my favorite:…
Some teen girl probably put them on there. gross.
Matti Vuorre seems to have a personal investment in this research. Seriously though, this makes me want to change my name.
This place is in Mexico. Rural Mexico.
Yes! haha. But, no. It was not life that. There was significantly less jazz.
hella bad news... wwoofing can be great, or really sketchy. This place was sketchy.