Calvinballer- The score is still Q to 12

I’m fucking sick of Peak TV.
I’m sick of streaming services dropping a new season of yet another brilliant show that I fucking have to see every Friday.
I have a whole bunch of new shows - Homecoming, The Haunting of Hill House - and new seasons - Daredevil, The Man in the High Castle, Castlevania - waiting for me to

Why’s the assumption that if I don’t love Criterion movies that I must love lowest common denominator movies.  There’s an inbetween.  Get you’re heads out of your ass you pretentious fucks.

Everything but The Rock, that movie rules!

oh ok, well in that case. I never said they were bad movies. I just said they’re boring. These smart and thoughtful well received movies are boring to watch. Not bad just boring.

Um sure I do. I just know when I like a movie because I’m the one watching it. Are you telling me you like all the Criterion Movies. Armageddon has a Criterion for crying out loud.  I just don’t assume it’s an automatic seal of quality.  Think for yourself Dude. 

If you say so.  Just sounds like a bunch of people afraid of being wrong.

I liked the original. I don’t get the need for shot for shot remakes just to appease lazy Americans who can’t imagine watching a movie with subtitles and unfamiliar actors, who can’t connect with something that has a different cultural background. There’s been enough of these. They are barely ever as good as the

Ferrell can be subtle. He was pitch perfect in Stranger Than Fiction, and, dare I say, it could’ve been very easily turned into a Jim Carrey-type slapstick fare. He doesn’t often choose to do it, but he certainly can do it.

Well, so do you,  so watcha gonna do...

Film Struck failed because Criterion Films are well shot movies that are boring AF.

Avatarmageddon 2: Avatarmageddon Outta Pandora

As of this season’s opener it’s canon that only “the accountants” have access to point totals, so presumably the ticker in “What’s my Motivation” had to be a fake. Of course it could be argued that because Michael and Janet aren’t accountants they don’t actually know as much as they think they know when they say the

Snori is SORRY!

Oh good point. I will say there was a lot of honesty in The fake Good Place though including Mindy’s, but yeah how much was real real is hard to gauge.

Okay, but seeing as you weren’t the literal punchline to a joke on national television, and she was, it’s a good thing no one asked you.

No, just no. Go Snori or go home.

“Does The Most Important Year For Superhero Movies Belong To The Dark Knight Or Iron Man?”

You see I disagree with you a bit on this. Especially this :

I mean, democracy had already existed in ancient Greece

There is no humanizing PR campaign that can ever erase the fact that that people and their ancestors spent centuries living high on the public dime and sitting on a throne all because they sincerely believe they’re “ordained by God” to be a selfish asshole. someone needs to run government and Democracy didn’t just