Calvinballer- The score is still Q to 12

Production note: RJ destroyed the mask stomping on it front of the Head Costume Designer...who spent 6+ months designing and creating it with a team that included JJ Abrams for TFA.

Fucking millennials.

giving the studio a chance to make up for one of the big missed opportunities of the Iron Fist show. Danny is a white guy in the comics, but it’s not like these adaptations haven’t veered away from the source material in smart ways before, so some of the initial discourse around Iron Fist questioned why Marvel would

People say this every time we get one of those trailers and yet we have gotten Black Panther, Ragnarok, both Ant-mans and Doctor Strange which have all had very distinct styles outside the “studio Marvel” style.

Right?! There's way more snark here than he deserves.

He’s only the most beloved Doctor Who companion since Chisley the talking parsnip. Not sure why you’d put your ignorance on display so publicly.

After the tepid box office reception for Crumbs of Gimblewillow I’m fully expecting WB to go full desperation gambit and bring in some Time Turner Bullshit to get Adult Harry and Company into the next one.

This article is written in an extraordinarly mocking tone, but we should all envy Rupert Grint.  I wish that I had been rich as hell and able to lead a life of leisure when I was 23 years old.  Screw this “Snatch” show, Grint should have bought himself a Hawaii beachhouse and spent the next 50 years sipping beer and

Naw, it’s just in a movie that already had so many characters in it, I didn’t need to find out the origin stories of five new ones who presumably wouldn’t have any impact beyond this one. Given that the movie treats them as disposable, the only backstory they need is, “These are Thanos’s grimdark flunkies. Don’t get

Because they were. That’s why I’m glad the movie didn’t waste any time trying to make me care about them.

You guys are so emotional. Sorry, no offense. Just an observation to how you all are reacting

To echo some complaints others have made in other contexts, does everything have to be a tv series now? They are stretching a novella out to who knows how many hour long episodes? Either some creative person better have a lot of new ideas to develop, or this is going to be really boring. I get the economic logic of

It should have been you, Splinter. 

Is it just me, or does that Flash outfit make Stephen Amell look like he’s getting a protective layer around the ol 6pack?

Don’t forget back of car lifting.

What are you talking about? I see zeros uses for super strength other than breaking locks. That’s what I want to see; 13 hours of super strength lock breaking. 

Marvel wouldn’t give Netflix much control, that’s true, but it’s entirely possible that their contract with Netflix could specify that Disney can’t take the same shows to another outlet for X years after the show is cancelled, unless they pay a penalty. Netflix wouldn’t want Disney to be able to suddenly turn around

IGN and I09 not the only critics out there as the IMDB use the same pool of professional mainstream critic reviews at Metacritic, which gave it a middling C average. An average of multiple professional reviewers, not just I09 and IGN. But as I told your fellow fanboy, keep fiddling with those facts, it’ll better stoke

You mean Facts > fanboy emotional outrage all the time.

I’m not sure you understand the situation here. Marvel Television Studios produces these shows along with the production companies of the various showrunners they hire. Marvel already makes the product. Netflix is/was the distributor. Maybe there’s some clause in the deal that allows Netflix to continue airing the