Calvinballer- The score is still Q to 12

Smart little boy. Fuck the cult of forgiveness. He doesn’t have to forgive the bitch who tried to Emmett Till him.

Lewinsky has discussed what happened quite openly and has never indicated that she felt coerced, intimidated or fearful of reprisals. What you are saying is that this doesn’t matter; that her consent and her direct experience of the affair matter less than the public’s opinions; that Lewinsky’s decisions about when

This was bugging me last night & it is a build up of months. Please bear with me.

If you go to IMDB and check the cast list for episode 3.10, 3 of the 5 cast members listed are ACCCOUNTANTS.

No, idiots like you are the problem. You deserve the dumpster fire that is Trump.

The person to whom she reported.  Just like not everyone reports to the CEO of the company.  Her original position was within the Office of the Chief of Staff.

That’s what you said.

Now, my question is where is your logical reasoning for making that statement, and how would you go about determining what is the difference between a power dynamic merely skewed vs. heavily skewed, because as someone who has encountered both a boss/employee and inmate/guard situation, those

Your first sentence is what I’ve been thinking since this was regurgitated.

If the mere criteria of a potential abuse of power is the mere chance or fear of retaliation from one party towards another, then literally every single relationship is one where power is abused.

If a guy I like turns me down, and I’m friends with him on Facebook or follow him on Instagram, I could easily retaliate by

By this standard Clinton couldn’t ever fuck anyone really. Every single person on earth would have less power than the “most powerful man on earth” wouldn’t they? I’m so bored with the constant victimization of women were it doesn’t exist. He wasn’t her Doctor or her teacher. She wasn’t a child. She wasn’t raped. She w

Silence equals guilt, and no one is tacking Hillary Rodham Clinton ' s voice away.

I am sorry but I can’t take her seriously when she calls Monica Lewinsky a “kid”, I am pretty sure she was in her mid to early twenties. This is not an abuse of power, yes he was the president of the United States but she was actively seeking him out. This is not a police officer who told someone at a traffic stop to

A prison guard has significant material power over an inmate. What, exactly, was the risk to the unpaid intern in this scenario?

Part of the problem with discussions like these is we leave out reality. Rarely are sexual or romantic relationships established with complete equality between the parties involved. Yet, we do not & we cannot hold the more powerful entity responsible for what the less powerful entity freely decides to do. Ms Lewinsky

What IS an abuse of power?  This was something between two consenting adults and denying Lewinsky agency diminishes whatever power she had.  For sure the differential in respective power in the workplace and the world, couldn’t be much greater.  But, is it an abuse of power or merely an inappropriate work

He can be two things!

How dare you impugn the good name of garbage by comparing it to Piers Morgan.

Since he’s British, he’s not garbage.

I mean, am I out of line for assuming that baby carrier is bullet proof and capable of spitting out flames to throw off pursuit?

He’s such a garbage person it isn’t fair to liken him to most (not all, but most) other garbage people.