Mindy St Claire seemed to have a video, her Medium Place tutorial, featuring a genuine Good Place representative, the young woman who appeared along with Trevor.
Mindy St Claire seemed to have a video, her Medium Place tutorial, featuring a genuine Good Place representative, the young woman who appeared along with Trevor.
That was his picture from the 1970s. They could cast an older lookalike and get away with it.
Is Simone even real? She’s part of an artificial alternate reality created for a specific purpose. The “real” woman upon which she’s model died 200-300 years ago, back in the original Earth, and is currently probably enjoying her own genuine Good Place at the moment.
If you want to mock people for something, learn how to spell it first. Maybe? Just to avoid embarrassing moments like this?
Famous nihilists insist, “No, we care about this one thing now.”
Huh. I thought a fun idea for any prequel would be to have it populated by the same cast, playing their original character’s ancestor or something. Kingsman service seems pretty hereditary already, so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, while still giving the cast a chance to play a twist version of the character…
Better title: Breaking Ghost or Busting Bad?
Was he referring to the name of the series or the name of the pilot episode? They could be different.
Derek! Whoops, wrong Mantzoukas franchise.
I attribute this directly to Wendy Wasserman-Schultz’s recent brutal take-down of Libby Watson, which only exposed this site’s authors as dimwitted clickbaiters.
Some Netflix shows get a theme that only plays the first episode and never again. GLOW’s amazing opening theme is completely wasted in the second season.
I received a copy of that as a gift from an older family member once, because “You like these ‘anime’ movies, right?”
Not even a little.
No amount of cash can change Kanye into not-trash. The taint of Trump is forever.
So you’re upset that Blizzard marketed a Diablo product to Diablo fans? Really??
Companies are not owed reverence.
“Gamers are trash” Completely true. The entitlement is beyond ridiculous.
Original Millennium Trilogy > failed American remake
Oscar-winning writing team Jim Rash and Nat Faxon