The bad guy also somehow magically knew that Klau was the one thing that would make T’Challa’s best friend turn against him and side with an outsider, despite the bad guy having no contact with Wakanda literally ever before he got there. That’s some pretty in-depth awareness of internal politics for someone whose…
Bill Clinton was another Democratic president that “progressives” abandoned during midterms, leaving him with a GOP Congress to deal with. The fringe left always fixates on the presidency and forgets all about controlling where legislation actually begins.
Black Panther is very much more of a cookie-cutter movie than most MCU fans want to admit. The plot contrivances to keep T’Challa alive after the dual are too ridiculous to bear. (He drifted upstream, into the mountains where the Jabari live? Really? That’s how rivers work in Wakanda?) People projected all of this…
Nah, Iron Man changed the face of modern movie-making, and it did it with one post-credit scene.
Iron Man 3 is a travesty of disjointed plot arcs and literal deus ex machina as a finale. (And even that was shit. All the Extremis soldiers were melee fighters, and Tony’s armors all had laser beams. Why the fuck was everybody fist-fighting??) It is the weakest and the worst of all Iron Man films to date.
IDK, that’s kind of a gray area there. When the Soul Squad was in the original Good Place 1.0, anything and everything they did prior to Michael’s reveal was all part of the torture, including Eleanor’s awareness of Original Eleanor and her ludicrously “good” backstory. We don’t even know if any of the point scores…
I think the real problem is that it’s a bad joke, structurally. He didn’t ask Arianna Grande to marry him and she said “no.” She said “yes” and then later broke their engagement. So he’s “1 for 3" on asking and “0 for 1" on engagements.
I just think he really deserves this for making his SNL career more about who he was dating than any actual comedic talent. Now he’s addicted to that TMZ lifestyle, but it’s not going to make a career for him. At least, not a good one.
It’s not even a good joke though. He’s not “0-3,” because she originally said yes. Being broken up with has nothing to do with the number of times you’ve proposed to someone. He’s “1-3" on asking to be married and “0-1" on being engaged.
And I think The Dark Knight, just as much as Iron Man, is the reason that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is still around and still dominating.
Kate McKinnon is arguably the biggest star on the show right now. She does movies, gets nominated for individual awards, etc. And it’s well-deserved, IMO, as she’s one of the funniest and most versatile cast members I’ve seen in years. And even then, between her as the biggest and Pete Davidson as his usual trash…
I’m left wondering if the show won’t send the Soul Squad on a quest for where all their memories from those reboots are stored. If Michael and Janet can still remember, it has to exist somewhere. In fact, imagine finding out that the Bad Place has all the recordings at some point.
But only because she’s Hillary Clinton, her saying that in defense of Eric Holder is somehow a bad thing. It’s like Fox has trained even its worst detractors like The Root to do its dirty work for them.
Yeah, I’d bet there are significant “sunk costs” that work in The Ranch’s favor in ways they don’t for American Vandal. For example, The Ranch is much closer to having the necessary episode count to be licensed somewhere in a syndication deal, not unlike what Netflix has done by letting Comedy Central air Bojack…
It’s a parody.
Eh, slow your roll there, Godwin. No one is accusing Schlafly of the systemic murder of millions of people. However, a movie that sought to positively portray anything about Hitler would be wrong though, so what point were you trying to make again? I suspect that now you’re going to try to portray all WW2 movies as…
from Emmy-winning Mad Men writer Dahvi Waller
Because in this time when a guy is literally citing President Pussygrab as an excuse for his own sexual assault, it’s feminism that needs to be taken down a peg or two?