Now that’s what I’m talking about!
Now that’s what I’m talking about!
These fans would be better off targeting Alan Horn, the decision-maker at Disney who caved to Nazis, and trying to get him fired. Perhaps Horn’s replacement might exercise better judgement, but at the moment, it’s Horn saying, “Despite the terribleness of this decision being explained to me at length by smarter…
See, I would really enjoy such a show. Falcon and Bucky together in Civil War ended up creating some of the most entertaining scenes. They come across as a classic comedy duo, with Falcon as the comic relief and Bucky as the straight man.
Just “kinda?”
Who is working on a live-action Bebop?
I would hope that they stick relatively close to the timeline where it left off, otherwise any guest spots or cameos by living former cast members would all have to be holodeck contrivances like (see gif below) Leonardo diVinci.
Came for this and this alone.
Drop the character completely, but as expected now people are already complaining about the removal of maybe the most positive portrayal of an Indian-American in pop culture.
All that matters here is that Hari Kondabolu’s career got a minor boost from all of this attention.
Finally, a “Bing” that isn’t useless!
In short, it is not worth trading in your current Switch and then paying another $160 for.
We all clicked, though.
But funny.
Still no known cure, sadly.
Let’s have some fun with math! The missing audience of 400K would amount to 14% of the previous 2.8M viewers for the time slot last year. Tamron Hall and Al Roker should therefore renegotiate for 14% (each, not total) of Kelly’s annual $20M salary, which would come out to a boost of about $2.8M (again, each, not total)…
Nah, Kelly was brought on to be NBC’s “premiere anti-President-Clinton reporter,” and that all went to shit with Trump’s election. Then they tried to pivot her to morning fare and that’s where we find ourselves now.
“Topher” Grace is technically a Chris.
Nice hot take there, ledge-beyond-the-edgelord.
I mean, would Jezebel even be on his nuts this hard if this relationship hadn’t involved some claim about him having a big dick?