All the male characters over 40 and their wives suddenly start singing the praises of erectile dysfunction medicine in the middle of dramatic moments.
All the male characters over 40 and their wives suddenly start singing the praises of erectile dysfunction medicine in the middle of dramatic moments.
Dismissing diversity or cultural heritage the way Ennis does is too Trump-adjacent for me. That guy can go fuck himself.
It’s atrocious that WB/DC is trying to pin the failures of Superman and Justice League on Henry Cavill. As thought the rushed and executive-muddled production, horribly-written script, and over-grown manchild directing behind those movies had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Right? Searching and choosing are such a drag.
Are you sure? Mike Schur.
Go Team Venture!
I just find it ridiculous that K’un-L’un and the events that transpired there have such a huge influence on current events, but after two seasons, we’ve barely glimpsed the hidden city at all. And the flashbacks we got this season were more in service of Davos than Danny.
People say that there are no guarantees in life except death and taxes. “Your favorite celebrity saying something that makes you question why you ever liked them in the first place” could also be added to that list.
This version of Tomb Raider seems to feature that “default woman’s CGI face” that also showed up on Proxima Midnight in Infinity War. You know, the one that made her look like knock-off Dragon Age artwork.
Shouldn’t be too hard to add a Shuffle button to the episode list of a series, though.
That’s one I’ve been meaning to check out, but no HBO. Did you catch him as the President of Hollywood at the James Franco roast? Classic.
But with Netflix, you can do it largely commercial-free. That’s a major upgrade on “comfort food” viewing.
I would have gone with “Snatch Cougar.”
Will Forte was always one of my favorites. He pushed the boundaries more than other sketch writers, I think. That one with Peyton Manning where Forte is the coach making his team listen to old-timey music play while he just stands there and interpretive dances to it? Priceless.
Yeah, keep trying to distract from the central issue of Shane Black being a child-rapist-supporting liar. It won’t work, but you can absolutely keep trying. And probably fantasizing about underage girls while you’re at it too, most likely. Oh, your tears at criticism of your idol, Registered Sex Offender Enabler Shane…
Ward and Misty meeting was probably my favorite part of the whole season. Like you, I’m intrigued, and I want to see more of that.
I was a little worried that they were setting up some kind of weird crush on Davos’ part for Joy because she was his first sex friend. It didn’t seem to end up that way, but it certainly felt like it for a moment, at least to me.
In other words, you like everything about Iron Fist except the white guy, and you’re supposedly the “enlightened” perspective.
And Colleen Wing proved she could handle it in the end.
2nd reply. I’m recalling now that there was a lot of “Chosen One” coaching done by Lei Kung and that’s what pushed Danny towards the Iron Fist. I forgot that part while writing my previous comments, sorry.