Calvinballer- The score is still Q to 12

I don’t understand that phrase, “his sense of entitlement toward the Iron Fist.” As I pointed out in another comment nearby, we the audience still know nothing about what led the young Danny Rand to pursue the Iron Fist so strongly. What made Danny more driven to seek to obtain the Iron Fist than simply waiting for

But, they sort of did. The flash-forward showed Danny seeking out and finding another chi weapon of some kind, and using it. And looking really happy while doing so. Way happier than he looked when talking about giving up the Iron Fist, that’s for sure.

It’s about choice. Munn should have been able to get to choose to be in a scene with a child predator, and Shane Black robbed her of that through deception. It’s just really sad that you can’t understand that.

I feel like the show really fumbled by turning the Iron Fist power, something Danny earned individually through a specific ritual, into something that can just be picked out and stolen from him and handed to someone else, someone who never earned it to begin with. It feels like the show did this just to address

Ralph Wiggum would be a Hufflepuff, just as a benchmark.

Yeah, the idea that we can’t tell people when they’re part of something bad because it might make them more bad is not founded in reality or logic. 

Man, I really miss the Kinjamprove Chrome plugin. Child-rapist defenders like Murry Chang could be blocked with it. 

It’s like you’re willfully ignoring the difference between sex abuse and other non-sexual-abuse-of-a-minor crimes to make some kind of disingenuous argument in support of a child rapist. Seriously, you need to re-examine your life priorities, asshole.

Except, the scene had to be cut before the premiere, because it was included by the director, because it featured his buddy. It’s not rocket science, dude, how the fuck are you failing at understanding it this badly?

Perhaps, but you don’t get to call them “undemocratic” with one breath and then demand with the next that they actually overturn the will of the voters to hand you victory, as Bernie did.

The same people that will bitch at Hillary here about going for Texas are all probably sporting Beto O’Rourke patches and bumper stickers. AND the irony is lost on them.

He lost way before the convention and insisted on stringing things out beyond reason. “Sore loser” doesn’t even begin to cover it, especially after his superdelegate bullshit. Called them “undemocratic” and then expected them to hand him the nomination because magic polling. 

You and everybody have a meeting where they elected you spokesperson? I didn’t think so.  Not everyone was “surprised,” especially not after Comey’s interference.

Chrome was loading everything slow, so at first I only saw the text of your reply. So I’m sitting here as things are processing, wondering if this is what I think it is, saying to myself, “Oh, they better not have ‘You guessed it...’ and not followed through...”

Nothing Moore mentioned was all that incisive or prophetic, and by the time he wrote that, it was already all pretty well-known. And then he spoke of voting for Clinton as “breaking a promise,” because damn, what possible better way could there have been to describe it?

Michael Moore’s theory that Gwen Stefani created President Trump sounds like bullshit

If the Skrulls ever gained any influence over Hydra at any point, Bucky’s time as their Winter Soldier means he could have been replaced too. Then again, his time in Wakanda under intense medical examination probably would have given the game away, no?

Deadpool 3: Some Bullshit After The Colon

The whole notion of a superhero family is straight out of The Fantastic Four, and Bird even recycles many of the Four’s powers.

4. Where is Carmen Sandiego?