Calvinballer- The score is still Q to 12

So, put some logic to it... There were three people there before, and then there weren’t. I think Hank and someone else might have been standing close enough that their dust clouds merged. (Ick, now I have to hope it was Janet, or that’s just creepy.)

You have to differentiate between the two “credit stinger” types that are available. Pre-credit scenes seem to be where Marvel is putting the connected universe stuff, things that will most certainly play out or be seen again in future movies. The post-credit scenes, like the Captain America lecture, Howard the Duck,

Not to mention the “challenge accepted” conceit of trying to make some of the Orks a sympathetic faction for viewers while retaining some other Orks as antagonists.

Don’t forget his “sassy” minority female sidekick, Brown Sugar.

TLKG is an underrated classic, IMO. 

“Our respect for our fans can only be truly demonstrated by denying them the opportunity to see us perform.”

Eugenio’s Four Cheese Frozen Pizza: a buy!

I always figured it was the old “I want your healing factor to save me from my machine” scheme by Magneto, when it came to what plausible reason he might have for needing Wolverine.

Zero (zero!) mentions of Blade in this article. The closest is “Witchblade,” FFS. 

I got a “Space Marines” alert for this? Warhammer 40K, now there’s some blockbuster sci-fi action movie franchise potential right there.

Oh snap, that’s a pre-Black Panther Wakandan accent that Peele was using!

I’m genuinely impressed. The actor and actress who play a married couple in this are only 2 years apart in real-life age. 

That is why the commercial-free version of Hulu is worth every god-damned penny. 

“Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn’t die?”

Rocket IS going to get that arm. 

AOC’s district is 87% Democrat by voters registration. I.E. the opposite of a swing district.

Progressives continue to pretend like the base of the Democratic Party isn’t black women. 

When everyone is Batman, no one is.

You want to pay to relive 2016? In a theater?