The district that OC won is like 87% Democratic voters. To imply that she’s some kind of template for success in every district is just ridiculous.
The district that OC won is like 87% Democratic voters. To imply that she’s some kind of template for success in every district is just ridiculous.
The Netflix shows get 13 hours each while GLOW only gets 5, per season. I feel like this ratio could be flipped and improve both sides of the equation.
Looking at you, Chopped.
Are the idiots who cancelled Deadwood for John in Cincinnati still working there?
That’s because it would be “An MCU Story” or “A Marvel Cinematic Universe Story.” “An” for the “em” sound at the beginning of “MCU” or “A” for the “mar” sound at the beginning of “Marvel.”
Rian Johnson is just a good director that knows how to use subtle, visual foreshadowing in his films.
Sure, if you’re one to be confused by a costume and a haircut. Otherwise, nope.
I think Disney is still aiming for nice marketable trilogies for home release. The “Ant-Man and the Wasp Will Return?” bit is more just playing up the stakes of Infinity War than anything else.
An MCU Story.
In his zealous ignorance, dude forgot all about Alderaan. Holy shirtballs.
There are very few things you could do to keep me from watching a show where SCTV and Christopher Guest alums Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara do a Canadian riff on Arrested Development’s “rich assholes try to adjust to the real world” premise, but calling it Schitt’s Creek manages to do the job.
Yes. The film is structured so that they give enough recap information about the first movie that newcomers won’t be left behind, and really this is a stand-alone story with no major intersections with the other films aside from being set in the MCU.
He got fired. lol
Yeah, that line is complete garbage. Pfeiffer’s Catwoman was, is, and continues to be amazing, even this many years later.
Maybe since Falcon is the guy who literally said the government will go Mark Furhman on his black ass
Even Harvard has C- and D-level students, you know.
The sequel is amazing, hilarious, and highly enjoyable. I saw it last night and I’m still replaying as many details as possible today for fun.