
My god man, how many back and forth do we have to read before you understand that Skip is explaining that the US economic system is not a ‘free-market, purely capitalistic system’ but rather one where already powerful assholes like Langone can embrace (and buy!) laws and regulations that benefit them while at the same

I’d also like to point out, since I cannot edit the orignal post, that part of “other people’s money” is the employees’ right to a living wage, which they are effectively stealing to spend on their business.

Bautista will likely be overthrown by Castro.

To Have and Heave Not 

John Menard, the richest individual in the state of Wisconsin, starts his attorneys at $17/hour. Yes, they aren’t even on salary, and yes, they make less to start than an Aldi’s night manager with a HS degree. That’s for people with six-figure debt; I can’t begin to imagine what life must be like for the rank-and-file

I’m putting gas in my car right now, to go down there and punch him.

Most professional athletes buy $1700 Gucci sweatshirts and spend their time pricing watches and new diamonds to put on their wrists or ears, or dropping $10k on bottle service at the club.

Fight to get them back. Unions started as acts of civil disobedience, do that again?

If only those of us here in the good ole, U S of A still had unions...

The US is the richest, most powerful country in the history of the planet. No one here that gets up everyday and works hard should have to live in poverty.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

35 to 38 hours and they classify you as part time! This country has a fucking sick ideology about work, pay, and work/life balance.

This is peak LeBron. Must win game, come out and try and rip their hearts out right from the starting pistol.

I think it would actually be more accurate to say they’ve won the popular vote once since ‘88...

In his next at bat, the kid was beaned by Justin Verlander

It’s not a goal because “fuck the Penguins” outranks any and all other science-based statements, including and on up to the laws of thermodynamics

This is also an excellent solution to minimize drunk driving.

[NRA] help[s] America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities. These activities enable them to appreciate America and enjoy our natural resources with wholesome and healthy outdoor recreational and educational programs.

They have declined to continue helping America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities.

Came here to comment on just this.