
I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion on here but: to everyone who's saying stuff like "they didn't love their child so they have no right to grief" can really just stfu.

Again, I am aware of what slut-shaming is and how it works. You are not telling me anything new. What I am trying to make clear to you is that the sexual dynamics that exists in strip clubs, in porn, don't exist in a vacuum. Those sexual dynamics bleed into life outside of the strip club or the porn movie; they are,

So, when it comes to Bell Knox, part of the problem is that Jezebel and other outlets that take a distinctly pro-porn stance give white, privileged sex workers who have the luxury of choice the spotlight while insisting that the countless nameless, faceless sex workers who are working under violent pimps, trafficked

I have been thinking lots of about this story since it first hit the internet. There is no denying that Jeremy Meeks is good-looking, according to a cultural beauty standard that I am fully socialized and programmed to admire. And that's about where you lose me. Because it's difficult for me not to see the

This poor man and his family are just a few more casualties in the endless line of marginalized people temporarily celebrated by white hipster internet culture. Remember the poor gay black man who white people laughed at when his home was broken into and his sister was assaulted? The poor black woman who white people