
Funny that your takeaway from an article about a vicious rapist and murderer is that Cathy Brennan is the evil one.

Why are you blaming women for male violence? Do you think that the murderers and rapists of trans women are big Germaine Greer fans?

Hate to break it to you but sex work will always be taboo BECAUSE CLIENTS WANT IT THAT WAY. They are paying to dehumanize and objectify women, they are paying to treat them like shit. They would not pay for someone they viewed as an equal. Full decriminalization will not change this. If you have to be nice to the

Am I allowed to be anti-war, or should I just shut up because I’m not a current member of the US military?

No one is saying that everyone with violent sexual fantasies is a future murderer. But where do these fantasies come from? Why do so many men fantasize about doing harm to women? I have known a huge number of men who have used fetish and kink communities as a kind of get-out-of-abuse-free card, since everything is

I’m sorry, what is malicious that I’ve said?

Ok, how about a black person who desires space apart from white people who insist they’re really black on the inside?

Gender is not a spectrum, or a binary, or a feeling everyone has inside their brains. Gender is a violent hierarchy.

Well you’re right about one thing - it is very hard to believe that anyone believe in that kind of nonsense, because no one fucking does. No feminist of any stripe believes that male violence is a product of male biology. That’s an absolutely ridiculous assertion. Male violence is a product of male socialization.

Actually since patriarchy oppresses women as white supremacy oppresses people of color, the proper analogy would be a person of color desiring a space without white people.

As far as I can tell the logic is pretty simple. Gender is a social construct designed to oppress women and benefit men.

The official story was that he was chasing a woman through the run-down motel they were both staying after an argument over money and then was shot by the motel owner. But most of the people who knew him never believed it. Etta James says in her autobiography that Sam never did drugs and would never have been staying

Man, I feel sorry for whatever poor kid they get to play Sam Cooke. Nobody had his charisma.

Ha, joke's on her. Like most casualties of the industrial revolution, knitting was a noble male pursuit until the 17th century. There were guilds and apprenticeships and thriving communities of men making good livings knitting stockings and other clothing in England. When the machines came along to take their jobs the

So says I, let's try and make some fucking radical mainstream porn that fulfills women's fantasies too then, yeah?

Now playing

It's been goddamn YEARS, but this still ranks as one of my all time favorite interwebs video

I lost a family member to suicide five years ago and the biggest thing my extended family has struggled with is the misplaced guilt. It seemed like the closer you were to him, the more you blamed yourself. Some still do. It's difficult to accept when someone commits suicide, but it really is no one's fault but the

The issue is their silence, and their reticence to weigh in on issues that don't affect them. It reminds me of a few months ago when Kim Kardashian posted something about how having a biracial daughter has opened her eyes to black experiences in America and made her think differently about what kind of society she

Every debate over motherhood illustrates how deeply the game is rigged for women. I remember a time, up until I was about twenty two, when every cultural, parental and educational message I got was about how I shouldn't get pregnant, because it would be the worst thing that ever happened to me. I had a big future

It seems like every time a kink-related scandal is in the news a kink-ambassador comes out with an article like this explaining why whatever happened in this case wasn't real kink, that real kinky people in the super respectful kinky community would never do anything like the things Ghomeshi is accused of. It's a bit