Calus Rethca

Hooray for Tom Hardy in a DC movie speaking legibly!!!

What does it unlock in Mario Kart 8 though?

Penny Arcade by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik. Published November 28. Read more of Penny Arcade

Not PS4 or Xbox...but Super Mario Sunshine HD for Wii U would be absolutely amazing.

Naturally the first thing to come to mind...

By Professor Rowan's moustache that's a lot of legendaries!

Something I've done in the past is to create what I call a Trap Team. Basically just high level 'mons with skills good moves and skills. Skills like Arena Trap are useful for legendarys that try to escape (like the legendary dogs), False Swipe is good for getting them down to that final sliver of HP, obviously status

Never seen The Hunger Games, was affraid of... Catching Fire.

That will get you shot in some parts of the US.

How does that even work though? If you're a subscriber, when would these five days be applicable? When you unsubscribe?

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker

Worst Family? Oh, we do beg to differ...

Whole lot of meh there.

"The term bomb is not usually applied to explosive devices used for civilian purposes such as construction or mining" (source: Wikipedia)

The sequel. Make it now.

Rob you are wrong about Denver The Last Dinosaur. Cartoons...actually...television and all of entertainment, peaked with that show. You will never take it away from me.