Calus Rethca

lol this fucking guy

Damn, you just reminded me of how I felt like such an ass for the Sasquatch missions in RDR: Undead Nightmare. ��

The title of the CNet story is kind of misleading. Title should have been:

Tales of Xillia. Loving it so far. I don't want to be that guy, but does this Patricia only wrtie articles on videos she finds online and on Gaf...and Pokémon??

The Chicago BROCKHawks? Nope. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE. Respect the Indian, goddammit.

That's gonna reduce the durability by atleast 3%. Your looking at a minimum 500 doubloon repair there.

Technically speaking, publishers have the ability to do this on the PS3 or Xbox 360 as well. PS4 is just using the current model.

I found no interesting games from any of the xbox exclusives.

Everything has been trolltastic. Sony's trading games video. The smirk during the DRM and connectivity presentation followed by the cheering and applauding by the press. The $400 price tag. This. And also the below one.

I realize this is a game news site, but you know the best way to combat these games is NOT to cover them, right?