“If you found out you were going to die, wouldn’t you just kill as many people as possible?”
“If you found out you were going to die, wouldn’t you just kill as many people as possible?”
Unfortunately the two idiots keep getting knocked down but they get up again.
I feel like the fact that Marine Kelvin has a back tattoo of the logo from the Vin Diesel/Ice Cube XXX trilogy of films is really under discussed. When did he get it? I assume it was sometime in between the first and second movies, but at what point? Was it intentional to get it in the same spot as Vin Diesel’s…
That being said, it has been clear for a long time that applying even the slightest touch of pressure on Trump makes him self-combust in ways that seem remarkable, even granting his narcissism and ignorance and possibly terminal pudding brain.
They’re afraid of just how exactly they got all that.
This is what has always killed me. At the root of the whole “Actually, I hope Donald Trump stays in office, because Mike Pence would be so much worse” argument, there is the implication that he’s some master of the dark arts of politics. That he’s some chess master who knows how the machine works.
Lots of people are braying . . .
I defy anyone to find a word that better describes Trump’s speaking style than “honks.”
Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say.
Anyone who had a bully growing up knows that the second they get punched in the mouth (literally or metaphorically) they turn into a sniveling coward.
I thought for a second during one of the meandering, nonsensical answers he was going to talk about the onion he wore on his belt, which was the fashion at the time.
Given even the few proponents of military action against Iran (the biggest of which left the administration) generally don’t support a full scale invasion, this isn’t a serious argument.
They stopped at a US taxpayer funded resort in Hermosillo to fill out applications for welfare checks and free healthcare so everything is in place when they arrive in Texas and get to rapin’ and pillagin’. A select few ‘nasty’ ones were also chosen to join MS-13 and will later be shuttled to midwestern cities by Beto…
The big, beautiful, thirty foot tall, unscalable, concrete wall that Trump totally fulfilled his promise to build and Mexico gladly paid for put a stop to that!
What I find stunning is that these guys aren’t smart enough to at least shut the fuck up. Have they no awareness of the optics of this? The staffs of Bernie or Warren must be high-fiving each other every time one of these jackasses opens their mouth.
What kills me is there are so many people who identify with the BILLIONAIRES in the billionaires vs. everyone else scenario. They envision the government coming in and taking whatever huge percentage on their $50k/year salary and are suddenly like, OH NO PROTECT THE BILLIONAIRES! What is the quote, they are all…
It’s not so much that billionaires shouldn’t exist. It’s that the INCOME gap should not be measured in 1,000,000-1,000,000,000% differences. We’re no longer talking about exchanges of labor anymore, which is the whole point of ‘money.’ We’re talking about owning other people’s entire LIVES — which is little more than…
The best line, “You are making me look like an idiot!” Nope, you’re doing that all on your own.
How dairy the Italian PM, That’s nacho cheese, dude. She as just trying to wish him a gouda day. I’m sure she thinks Pompeo is grate. This was such a sharp reaction by the Italian PM. Don’t feel blue, she has some more cheesy gifts. Even if the PM disa’bries.