
I’m personally uncomfortable with that sort of pay-for-content/attention relationship, but I withhold judgement because it’s much different from “my” generation. Right now I’m paying quite a bit of money for cable for a lot of content I don’t want and barely use. I access maybe 1% of what’s available and subsidize the

In a few shots there are two characters bantering (or commiserating).  Is there a co-op component?

That sandwich is silly.  It’s a silly sandwich.

I have so much hate for everything about everything here.

Eh. Those in the medical profession, if you mean your pcp or illness-specialized medicine - are trained to recognize symptoms and recommend treatment. If they recommend treatment to a patient, who then comes back six months later having not done it, what can they do about it? They’re not life coaches. If you need

I remember the ads but would not bring myself to watch it. The premise was unbelievably horrible. Same thing with “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire”, and other prime-time dating shows. My brain is safer pretending those things don’t exist.

They look and feel delicious.  There’s a beautiful texture differential that you only get over after you taste it on the way up.

I don’t disagree, except that many of the games are ones that I wanted to play (knowing full well they are niche experiences).  Unfortunately I was too quick to jump on mediocre sales for them.  Three in the last four months I’d finished just a couple weeks before they went on Gold.  I could’ve spent that 10 bucks on

I enjoyed the game. It’s heavy on narrative, not much in the way of action. I think that’s precisely what a mythos game should be, but the long stretches of inaction (reading, listening) could be a turnoff for anyone looking for a C’thulhu-themed FPS.

This is the correct take.  Would step on.

Thank you for your service.  Now you might want to get back to the bathroom.

I’m very confused about Paltrow.  She went on Colbert at one point last year and basically said “yeah, what we’re doing at Goop doesn’t make any sense.”  I can’t tell if she was attempting a meta-level of snark or being brutally honest, but either way she seems not to buy her own bullshit.  Is she shamelessly ripping

If she ever connects the dots and sees this I will be in trouble with my wife, but I do not like sharing sandwiches with her. Any sandwich - burger, reuben, ham and cheese, anything. Our ways of handling food are vastly different. I pick it up gently, letting the weight rest on my thumbs and gently balancing the top

And yet I will still consider the collector’s edition with a statue (which will be thoughtfully replaced with a play-doh replica of the Big Bad, so as to avoid “damage in transit”).

“Buried treasures” takes on a whole different meaning when they’re semi- to fully-independent.  Don’t look under the couch.

I’m looking at this issue as a sliding scale, with 1 being “matching attire” and 10 “living on different coasts”. LAT doesn’t necessarily mean living under different roofs, that’s just the most extreme example. The point is to have separate spaces, with the amount required determined by the couple on an as-needed

Generation X has a lawn now and would like you to stay off of it.  But if you do go on it, Generation X will not sic the dogs on you or call the police.  Just don’t stay too long or you’ll make us grumpy.  While you’re out there, maybe pick a weed and leave it on the sidewalk.  We’ll get it later.

Ironic that the boss challenge in which she appears is the easiest one in recent memory. Granted, she is not the “final” boss for the event, but even the penultimate boss usually offers a decent challenge.

Although entropy causes everything to fall into chaos, entropy will also result in sporadic creation events that will persist... until they fall apart again.  E.g. - a toddler with legos.