
I assume the chewy center of this “controversy” is that AOC is spending “a lot” of money on personal grooming. From the other comments, that point isn’t even valid, because the cost for the service is actually pretty cheap. Even if it were - so what? I assume that she paid for it out of her salary, which she is

Turns out, friendship was Halliburton’s stock value all along!

This is what worries me - his talk of treason and “what we used to do to spies” and such. His base is well-armed and has more than a few unstable elements in it. Trump is all but calling for a mob-style hit on his political opponents, but instead of hiring a professional he’s just throwing it out to anyone who’ll

It’s either that or they’re the first one to die defending the President, providing a revenge motive when he triumphantly throws the terrorist leader at a shark.

He’s the most modestest president ever!

the Emperor has had no clothes from the moment he ascended the dais

When something is perfect, you need to lock it away and keep it safe so it stays perfect. You don’t want the world coming in and getting dirt on it, or gravity causing it to sag, or any number of monstrous effects that could happen to a perfect thing. You put it in a box, lock it up tight, keep it in a cool, dark,

Yes, you could convicted of witchcraft based on the claims of appearing in a teenager’s dreams.

Even Salem witch trials didn’t use anonymous testimony.

Don’t feel bad for him. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, was given hundreds of millions of dollars by his father before he hit age four, hasn’t had to work a day in his life, and had affairs with supermodels before tricking the country into electing him so he could destroy it one institution at a time

I’m worried that she is not rocking hard enough.  I don’t want her to rock too hard, because that would be gauche.  Just a teensy bit more and her level of rocking will be right in my sweet spot.

It’ll break off around the equivalent of Aug 9 1974. Trump won’t resign.

At his age he should probably be more worried about what appears on his tombstone.

I agree that we should not police the world, but we shouldn’t get there by abandoning commitments we made (theoretically in good faith). The smart way to get there is by pledging not to get involved in any more and drawing down as safely and discreetly as we can manage. Ripping the band aid off in this scenario will

I’m glad you pointed to the Bin Laden/Al Qaeda similarity. I was thinking it sounded like the same thing - train and arm a paramilitary fighting force and then ditch’em when they’re no longer convenient. Yet another group to hold a grudge against the US, and have detailed recent history to indoctrinate initiates.

I was against Biden entering the primary. Now I’m glad he jumped in. Not because I want him to win, but because if he weren’t running Trump may not have run his mouth and incriminated himself. Hopefully Joe’s only a spoiler for the opposition.

The core never roots in a black hole?

My thoughts exactly. Just paying a software engineer to add that functionality is simultaneously more cost effective and better for marketing.  It’s a slam dunk, but the CEO decided to eat the rim on principle.

Doctor #10 holds a controlling interest in “Mr. Socko’s noggin-bashin mallets”, but that’s just because he knows a quality product when he sees it.

I wish I still had my “party animal” card from college.  ‘Course, things seemed to be less rape-y back then.  Maybe it’s better off in whatever recycled plastic it found its way into.