

Until now, it’s been a “take your lumps” situation. No one knew who Anthony Scaramucci was before he spent a single week in the White House, now he’s out talking on television like his opinion of anything matters. Sean Spicer is (was?) on Dancing with the Stars. Kirstjen Nielsen, Ms. Baby Cage herself, landed a paid

They do have to.  The Internet has decreed that certain individuals must share their opinion on topics that interest them.  That’s the only explanation.  For all of it.

Lookit that.  Trump really did have the best words!

Ahh, fall.  When the temperatures spike, the leaves turn... indifferent.  In the mornings, you get a warm, stifling breeze carrying the smell of rotting apples and unused cinnamon.  It’s really quite magical.

I agree with you, but I have to ask - what qualifies as a perfect shit? Is it about volume, speed, or are you talking “no wipe required”?

The press can join that poor umbrella.  Trump is Done with you!

If you beat up Mike Tyson, you can do whatever you want.  Until then you have to continue being a reasonable human being.

They don’t have to do the right thing. They have to do what they always do - the self-interested thing. It’s the job of the inquiry and public opinion to align them.

Take solace, kind sir. Although Trump has genes that keep his arteries clear and flowing freely, he is by any reasonable measure an incorrigible shithead, dumb as a post, and has children that look like Eric Trump.  You can be thankful for your superior intelligence and robust liver.

The Civil War-like fracture happened when our President endorsed Nazis as fine people with a legitimate world view.  There’s no going back from that.  If you were still with him then, you’re with him until the end come hell or high water.  Given the state of the world right now it sounds like both of those will

I hope the threats and intimidation get rolled into articles of Impeachment.  That behavior is just as or more serious than the abuse of power.  We have whistleblower laws for a reason and Trump’s comments are precisely what they are intended for.

I don’t think they should take Rudy off TV, but they should offer equal air time to the other side. Of course I’m talking about Sam the alien abductee/”bride of Sasquatch”, whose opinions on mineral deposits in Scandinavia as they relate to ancient aquarian predictions of the post-times are absolutely true.  He’s got

I hope his girlfriend watched and then broke up with him via text.  Sad emoji.

“Digital financial technologies - new opportunities for integrating payment systems of the Eurasian continent in transport Logistics.”

The Deep State is REALLY Deep, I guess. So deep that even the most powerful intelligence apparatus on Earth gets all confuzzled when they try to give him the information he requires. Fox News knows, though! The Deep State cannot defeat a nice set of breasts in a tight sweater attached to a blonde head.

Wohl strikes me as the type of guy who likes to drink his soda warm. Because it makes him “sophisticated”.

Even if I knew the identity and thought they were acting in good faith, I’d want to see that cash up front.  Wohl would probably try to pay it out in monopoly money with his own face on it.

I am genuinely curious to know what possible detail could come out to flip Rudy into a hero. The story appears to be that he suggested and maybe even convinced Trump to get dirt on Biden from Ukraine. That’s not a good thing unless (sorry Space Emporer, if you read this) Biden is some sort of evil supergenius whose

That sounds too sophisticated for Trump. I read it as trying to draw equivalence. “If you’re going to investigate me, why not investigate Pence? Why not Melania? Why not Donald Duck?” He’s trying to imply innocence by pointing at a random target.