
Those people aren’t really contributing to the climate change problem, though.  The 5-8 kids in those areas have a fraction of the carbon footprint of one person in the developed world.  The nations with 0-2 are the ones creating a global problem that the whole planet has to deal with.

They don’t remember candles, either. Why did the Democrats do away with the wax candle industry? Do they hate freedom, or are they keeping all the wax so they can send the bees after us?

They make a basement look like you’re keeping children in cages until you torture then eat them.

My son is in 4th grade, and Trump sounds like him two years ago.

Bird.  Bird is the word.

He’s saying his hardcore enthusiasts that fluff his ego don’t have enough money to pay him for the pleasure of his company. He’s basically a whore, but all of his johns are temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

You’re a Republican Milo.  This is the Free Market telling you to fuck off and die.

This is so dumb.

You hate to see trailer trash split up.  There’s a high probability that they’ll find new incompatibilies to make more trailer trash with.

He is, well and truly, the #Presidentpussyassbitch.  Never has a tag been so apt.  Thank you, Ms. Teigen.  

Garbage is tangible. You wasted your money on figments.

Sorry.  I meant he will pretend he doesn’t enjoy it.

Nobody at a diner ran at me and said, take my healthcare away. Nobody.

But he won’t enjoy it.

I’ll take a stab at it. I’m not going to watch the video, but whenever he appears you get the gist.

Well, of course the U-6 is better.  There’s three more U’s.

Yay!  And Ew!

The real victim here is Trump.  His autocratic leader meeting card only needs one more punch to get half off a sub.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the first ten candidates were in night one, and Tom Steyer was in night two all by himself? We could all catch a nice movie that night.  Or maybe play a board game with the kids.

If they’re famous willing to overturn Roe v Wade, you let them do it.