
It would be fake news, but the liberals are at fault if it were true, which it isn’t, but they still are, and it’s a non-issue that we should all be very-very concerned about and is worth investigating.

I would much prefer the weapon be considered an extension of the owner. If your gun is used for a crime, you are guilty of that crime, equal to the individual wielding it. The only way to absolve yourself is to report the gun stolen, in which case you give up your ownership of that weapon.

I’m not even sure is supporters don’t like the people he’s attacking, at least not on their own.  They don’t like them because he doesn’t like them.  It’s pure sycophancy.  Any time I see the Trump crowd interviewed and they’re asked why they don’t like this or do like that, the reason is some lie Trump told or just

Adorable clothes you say? I’m gonna need proof. Google, whatcha got?

I’m guessing one look at Puerto Rico is all they need to give a hard pass on the idea.

I’ve never seen anything like empathy from the man, even for close associates. His own wife may as well be a watch, his sons a pair of shoes. The only thing he loves is himself, and the only time he’s ever nice is when he’s making money off of someone or they’re fluffing his ego.

The gig economy is indicative of a rot at the center of the “real” economy. The people working in it either can’t find anything else or do it in addition to their regular job because their regular job doesn’t pay the bills. If we had anything resembling fairness some of the profits the big corporations make would go

I’m guessing that at least some Republicans consider party-line control of SCOTUS worth an economic crash. They have the cash to ride it out. When we come out of it, the billionaires will still be billionaires, and there will still be several accused sexual predators on the bench willing to maintain conservative

I read about something like that on Kotaku a while ago, but it was more overt. The cheerleaders were “out”, so to speak - conversing with people and engaging them to boost morale was known to be their job.

Bull.  There aren’t any ice floes big enough to sit on anymore.

They failed the Turing test.  Unless YOU’RE the robot!

Then printed in China.

Knock it off.  There’s a thoughtprayer queue, and I haven’t finished praying about the corn coverage in Iowa yet.

The slippery slope meets the brick wall of reason at “grenade”, apparently.

I support Trump

This is so exasperating.

Offended at the lack of corn coverage.

Are you sure you want to protest that much about this silly little nickname, Kremlin Katherine?

That would drop him a couple of pay grades.  He might have to be two jerks to make ends meet.