
Right to bear arms, right? Is this what we want? One dude shuts down a campus for an afternoon, injures six officers, traumatizes dozens, so paranoid lunatics can “protect” all of us by failing to engage the bad guy with a gun and bravely running away?

The original one did. The followup questions quoted in this piece are from this Monday.

It takes some pretty scary stuff to rattle an MMA fighter.  They voluntarily get in a ring to get hit in the face and possibly get their ankle twisted off for a living.

Biden/Sanders/Warren dropping out for some unforeseen reason.

Not the curmudgeonly old fatties in the center. That dude is absolutely fuming about something. My money’s on “kids these days”.

His conception of power goes no further than an elementary school physics demonstration, where you turn a crank and a light bulb turns on.

I have no problem respecting the office of the President as a baseline, but some people make it impossible to maintain. Trump lost it long before he swore the oath.

Great. When does he do the President stuff?

I don’t understand how anyone can sit through his rallies.  Every time a snippet is shown on a late show or news piece, I feel myself getting dumber.


Even worse if you bring up “fishes and loaves for all” and “help out poor people”. That Jesus was a dirty socialist hippy.

I think it goes a step further than that. It’s not to help people, it’s to provide them the opportunity to make something for themselves. That includes helping them get on their feet, but it does anticipate that they will become self-sufficient and add value to society.

This reminds me that I bought The Godfather trilogy on bluray years ago and never got around to watching it.  Thanks, weird news cycle!

Sustainability and protection efforts are for everyone else, obviously. It’s ok if he kills endangered animals and hunts for trophies, so long as it’s just him and maybe a few of his buddies. If everyone did it, things would get bad!

I don’t think either of these fellows are being Best.

My Christian upbringing interpreted that literally, not in the abstract. If you don’t actually end the life, or explicitly direct someone to do it in a targeted way, it’s not your sin. Crimes of omission or negligence don’t count. At least not as a “cardinal” sin.  You might have to answer for it, but it’s not damning.

The cubes spelled out “murder”!

It plays well to the base. There is a seething hatred for all things Clinton in the little black hearts of all Republicans. To them, Vince Foster was their doing and Whitewater was a Thing.  Intricate shady death fits right in with their theories. 

I don’t think we have any evidence that he’s personally murdered anyone. One for ten - killing it for adherence to the OT.

Of course it worked.  You called a tow truck.  That was divine inspiration!