
Tony made a joke about not reading any mission briefs ahead of time

Trump accept a “recommendation” he doesn’t like from a government agency?  You’re being silly.

I see it as progress.  It’s been taken to an extreme, but celebrating a man that shows respect encourages his fans to do likewise.  He doesn’t deserve a medal, and he himself is aware that the obsession is ridiculous, but culturally it’s more positive than glorifying the “take what I want” and “I’m entitled to this”

Jessica Biel is one of my Hollywood crushes. Not anymore, I guess. Stupid is not attractive.

He needs to stop blubbering. Orcan’t he help himself?

He’s “joking”. Except when he’s not. Us dumb liberals just don’t get how funny he is (or isn’t?)

Kilmeade must have gone back to sniffing glue.

I suspect there are a small contingent of supporters who are of the “let it burn” mindset.  They just want to see it all fall apart so they can start shooting people.  Out of self defense, of course.  They’re coming right for us!

What happens when the campaign refuses to pay? I assume that at some point the city would file suit against the campaign, but in the meantime that bill’s got to be paid. Cities don’t operate on deficits like the federal government, and the money’s got to come from somewhere. Do they just eat the cost by slashing the

Depends. Do they have significant stock holdings in ash and cinder?

The modern-day flat earth soceity is the flat earth society.  If he wants to do a “modern day” hyperbole, he’s going to need something that no longer exists.  Like how the alt-right are modern-day Nazis.

It’s difficult to quantify because most primary candidates are already either independently wealthy or already in politics. It’s hard to say whether their accomplishments post-primary are because they were involved in the primary or would have happened anyway because of their other activities. So I’ll just sample some

There are. My doctor prescribed me ibuprofen. What made it different from OTC was the dosage.

Your first half paragraph has shattered my mind.  I’m gonna go poop in the trash can.

I’ll bet it smells pretty good.  I’m a big fan of Big Macs and fried chicken.

I don’t think he’ll ever get there.  If (when? please please) he sees consequences for his nefarious dealings, his brain will immediately go to conspiracy theories and rage about witch hunts.  His ego will not allow him to admit weakness without some grand treachery to betray him personally.

It doesn’t sound that bad. You’re almost guaranteed to get a book deal and paid gigs on talking head shows. You don’t have to be responsible for anything or even do that much other than show up, say things, and write a bit. For that you can make millions, then retire to a comfortable life and no one remembers who you

The Republicans got what they wanted out of 9/11.

You’re not allowed to meet my agreement. It lives in Canada.

It comes with a packet of ragweed for authenticity.